Source code for ultipa.printer.prettyPrint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time    : 2022/7/7 11:01 AM
# @Author  : Ultipa
# @Email   : [email protected]
# @File    :
import json
from typing import List
from treelib import Tree
from prettytable import PrettyTable

from ultipa.printer.treeNode import TreeNode
from ultipa.types.types import DataItem, ExplainPlan, Attr, ResultType, Path, Node, Edge
from ultipa.utils.convert import convertTableToDict

[docs] class PrettyPrint: ''' Class that defines settings for formatted output ''' count = 34 tree = Tree()
[docs] def printLine(self, name): num = int(PrettyPrint.count - len(name) / 2) print('-' * num + f'{name}' + '-' * num)
[docs] def prettyStatus(self, data): y = PrettyTable(['Code', 'Message'], title="STATUS", end=10, align="l") y.add_row([data.code, data.message]) print(y)
[docs] def prettyStatistics(self, data): y = PrettyTable(['edgeAffected', 'nodeAffected', 'engineCost', 'totalCost'], title="Statistics", end=10, align="l") y.add_row([data.edgeAffected, data.nodeAffected, data.engineCost, data.totalCost]) print(y)
[docs] def prettyDataList(self, data: List[dict]): propertList = [] if len(data) > 0: if len(data[0].keys()) > 0: propertList.extend(list(data[0].keys())) y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: Data", align="l") for d in data: li = [] for p in propertList: li.append(d.get(p)) y.add_row(li) print(y) else: return None
[docs] def prettyData(self, data: dict): propertList = [] if len(data.keys()) > 0: propertList.extend(list(data.keys())) y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: Data", align="l") li = [] for p in propertList: li.append(data.get(p)) y.add_row(li) print(y)
[docs] def prettyNode(self, data: DataItem): schemaDict = {} for node in data.asNodes(): propertList = ["id", "uuid", "schema"] if node is None: schemaDict.update({None: propertList}) continue if not schemaDict.get(node.getSchema()): if node.values: newPropertList = propertList + list(node.values.keys()) schemaDict.update({node.getSchema(): newPropertList}) else: schemaDict.update({node.getSchema(): propertList}) for key in schemaDict: y = PrettyTable(schemaDict.get(key), title=f"Alias: {data.alias} AliasType: {data.type} Schema: {key}", align="l") for newNode in data.asNodes(): if newNode is None: li = [None, None,None] y.add_row(li) continue if newNode.getSchema() == key: li = [newNode.getID(), newNode.getUUID(), newNode.getSchema()] if newNode.values: li.extend(list(newNode.values.values())) y.add_row(li) else: continue print(y)
[docs] def prettyAttrNode(self, alias, nodes: List[Node]): ret = [] schemaDict = {} for node in nodes: propertList = ["id", "uuid", "schema"] if node is None: schemaDict.update({None: propertList}) continue if not schemaDict.get(node.getSchema()): if node.values: newPropertList = propertList + list(node.values.keys()) schemaDict.update({node.getSchema(): newPropertList}) else: schemaDict.update({node.getSchema(): propertList}) for key in schemaDict: y = PrettyTable(schemaDict.get(key), title=f"Alias: {alias} AliasType: NODE Schema: {key}", align="l") for newNode in nodes: if newNode is None: li = [None, None,None] y.add_row(li) continue if newNode.getSchema() == key: li = [newNode.getID(), newNode.getUUID(), newNode.getSchema()] if newNode.values: li.extend(list(newNode.values.values())) y.add_row(li) else: continue ret.append(y) return ret
[docs] def prettyEdge(self, data: DataItem): schemaDict = {} for edge in data.asEdges(): propertList = ["uuid", "from_uuid", "to_uuid", "from_id", "to_id", "schema"] if edge is None: schemaDict.update({None: propertList}) continue if not schemaDict.get(edge.getSchema()): if edge.values: newPropertList = propertList + list(edge.values.keys()) schemaDict.update({edge.getSchema(): newPropertList}) else: schemaDict.update({edge.getSchema(): propertList}) for key in schemaDict: y = PrettyTable(schemaDict.get(key), title=f"Alias: {data.alias} AliasType: {data.type} Schema: {key}", align="l") for newEdge in data.asEdges(): if newEdge is None: li = [None, None,None,None, None,None] y.add_row(li) continue if newEdge.getSchema() == key: li = [newEdge.getUUID(), newEdge.getFromUUID(), newEdge.getToUUID(), newEdge.getFrom(), newEdge.getTo(), newEdge.getSchema()] if newEdge.values: li.extend(list(newEdge.values.values())) y.add_row(li) else: continue print(y)
[docs] def prettyAttrEdge(self, alias, edges: List[Edge]): ret = [] schemaDict = {} for edge in edges: propertList = ["uuid", "from_uuid", "to_uuid", "from_id", "to_id", "schema"] if edge is None: schemaDict.update({None: propertList}) continue if not schemaDict.get(edge.getSchema()): if edge.values: newPropertList = propertList + list(edge.values.keys()) schemaDict.update({edge.getSchema(): newPropertList}) else: schemaDict.update({edge.getSchema(): propertList}) for key in schemaDict: y = PrettyTable(schemaDict.get(key), title=f"Alias: {alias} AliasType: EDGE Schema: {key}", align="l") for newEdge in edges: if newEdge is None: li = [None, None,None,None, None,None] y.add_row(li) continue if newEdge.getSchema() == key: li = [newEdge.getUUID(), newEdge.getFromUUID(), newEdge.getToUUID(), newEdge.getFrom(), newEdge.getTo(), newEdge.getSchema()] if newEdge.values: li.extend(list(newEdge.values.values())) y.add_row(li) else: continue ret.append(y) return ret
[docs] def prettyTable(self, data: DataItem): if data.alias == "_algoList": headers = data.asTable().getHeaders() rows = data.asTable().getRows() table_rows_dict = convertTableToDict(rows, headers) algo_list = [] for data1 in table_rows_dict: algo_list.append(json.loads(data1.get("param"))) if len(algo_list) > 0: propertList = algo_list[0].keys() y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: {data.alias} AliasType: {data.type}", align="l") for algo in algo_list: row = [] for key in propertList: row.append(algo.get(key)) y.add_row(row) else: return else: propertList = [] if len(data.asTable().rows) > 0: for index, header in enumerate(data.asTable().getHeaders()): propertList.append(header.get("property_name")) else: return y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: {data.alias} AliasType: {data.type}", align="l") for row in data.asTable().getRows(): y.add_row(row) print(y)
def _PrintPath(self, path: Path): pathStr = "" end = "" for index, edge in enumerate(path.edges): d1 = "-" d2 = "-" node = path.getNodes()[index] if edge.getFrom() == node.getID(): d2 = "->" if index == len(path.edges) - 1: end = f" ({str(edge.getTo())})" else: d1 = "<-" if index == len(path.edges) - 1: end = f" ({str(edge.getFrom())})" pathStr += f"({node.getID()}) {d1} [{edge.getUUID()}] {d2}" if end: pathStr += end return pathStr
[docs] def prettyPath(self, data: DataItem): propertList = ["#", "Path"] y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: {data.alias} AliasType: {data.type}", align="l") for i, path in enumerate(data.asPaths()): li = [i] pathStr = self._PrintPath(path) li.append(pathStr) y.add_row(li) print(y)
def _formatAttrListData(self, data: list, alias: str): if isinstance(data,list) and len(data) > 0: if isinstance(data[0], Path): li = [] for i in data: li.append(self._PrintPath(i)) return str(li) elif isinstance(data[0], Node): return self.prettyAttrNode(alias, data) elif isinstance(data[0], Edge): return self.prettyAttrEdge(alias, data) else: return str(data) else: return str(data)
[docs] def prettyAttr(self, data: DataItem): if data.asAttr().type in [ResultType.RESULT_TYPE_PATH, ResultType.RESULT_TYPE_EDGE, ResultType.RESULT_TYPE_NODE]: propertList = ["#", data.alias] y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: {data.alias} AliasType: {data.type}", align="l") for i, adata in enumerate(data.asAttr().values): ret = self._formatAttrListData(adata, data.alias) y.add_row([i + 1, ret]) print(y) else: propertList = ["#", data.alias] y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: {data.alias} AliasType: {data.type}", align="l") if len(data.asAttr().values) > 0: for i, adata in enumerate(data.asAttr().values): ret = self._formatAttrListData(adata, data.alias) y.add_row([i + 1, ret]) else: y.add_row([1, str(data.asAttr().values)]) print(y)
[docs] def prettyArray(self, data: DataItem): propertList = [data.alias] y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: {data.alias} AliasType: {data.type}", align="l") for array in data.asArray().elements: y.add_row([json.dumps(array, ensure_ascii=False)]) print(y)
[docs] def prettyTree(self, plans: List[ExplainPlan]): def buildTree(plans: List[ExplainPlan]): if plans == None or len(plans) == 0: return TreeNode() tree = TreeNode(plans[0]) del (plans[0]) for i in range(tree.explain.children_num): node = buildTree(plans) tree.childNodes.append(node) return tree root = buildTree(plans) self._printTree(root,, True) ret = propertList = ["data"] y = PrettyTable(propertList, title=f"Alias: tree AliasType: ExplainPlan", align="l") y.add_row([ret]) print(y)
def _printTree(self, root: TreeNode, parter, isRoot=False): if isRoot: self.tree.create_node(root.explain.uql, parter) else: self.tree.create_node(root.explain.uql,, parent=parter) if len(root.childNodes) > 0: parter = for child in root.childNodes: self._printTree(child, parter) else: return