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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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Ultipa is now SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001 Compliant

Rest assured that your information and data are secure with us. We have undergone rigorous audits to ensure the highest level of protection, and we will continue to invest heavily in this area.

Explore Ultipa Security

AI Paradigm Revolutionizing
Graph Database + eXplainable AI + LLM

Computing hundreds to tens of thousands of times faster than its counterparts, Ultipa's search capabilities are incredibly deep, uncovering every hidden path. It is infused with cutting-edge eXplainable AI (XAI) technology to ensure users understand the logic behind every decision. The robust LLMs employed help it accurately comprehend and analyze users' queries.

Ultra-high Computing Power

Built from our patent-pending, HDPC, high-density parallel graph computing technology that enables microsecond and ultra-deep queries (>30 hops) on any graph sizes and in realtime, Ultipa Graph changes the whole game of graph computing even more with HTAP clusters that allow 5X time-to-market in 70% less TCO.

Deeper & De-perplexed Insights

Not only hot-pluggable, hot-updatable, but also supervision-optional, Ultipa's 100+ algorithms are designed for the most intriguing analytical tasks possible with our signatured flexibility and eXplainable AI, breaking down RDBMS's rigidity and black-boxness haunting data analytists for decades.

Proven Ease of Use

The graph-native UQL and visualization turns graph computing something fun and simpler to learn and master: both developers and business personnels can get their hands on high-dimensional graph data in a sweat-free manner while unlocking valuable knowledge substantially and intuitively.


Ultipa Cloud


1-Click deployment solution


Pay-as-you-go experience


Services for all-purpose computing

Ultipa Database as a Service — Ultipa Cloud, is an end-to-end solution integrating Ultipa Server and Ultipa Manager, offered over public clouds with full spectral features of Ultipa’s award winning graph database and highly visualized knowledge graph. It’s easy to purchase, deploy and use, and it’s cost-effective — you have the freedom to pay-as-you-go, you will love the unprecedented performance and intuitiveness offered by Ultipa Cloud!
Get Started ! >>>

Proven Intuitiveness & Trust
for Both Developers and Business Personnels

Ultipa Toolchain

A coherent experience powered by Ultipa Graph

Ultipa Graph comes with rich collection of toolkits to facilitate data integration, ETL, modeling/schema-design, query/analysis, visualization and more.

Configure and execute on Ultipa HTAP cluster with minimum operations
Operate the graph-native command line interface with super fast response and ease of use
Model & migrate data on live from all other DBMS to Ultipa Graph
Import/export data from any data sources with automatic error detetion
Visualize data on 2D/3D Interactive Web GUI to power your intuitive graph data experience on
Analyze with 100+ advanced graph algorithms that can be hot-plugged in anytime without server interruptions
Using Drivers and APIs to boost your productivity
Experience the ultimate cloudification of Ultipa Graph with spot-on intuitiveness, powerfulness and pay-as-you-go HTAP graph database as a service

Why Ultipa?


“Focused on building the world's fastest and most intuitive graph database system, Ultipa is currently serving the world's largest banks, financial services, stock exchanges and multinational corporations. Ultipa is committed to bringing its leading graph technology into the IT world, striving to provide the ultimate data architecture and computing technology to maximize real-time value exploration and extraction.”

—— DJ Metzer Senior Producer from CNBC

“With incredible interpretability, graph data architectures can be widely used to model data with complex connections, such as social networks, transaction networks, knowledge graphs, etc. Today the architecture design of high-performance graph databases has become one of the hottest points in the modern business. And in-depth application and empowerment of Ultipa graph-augmented technology in the financial industry definitely allows us to see the great prospects and values of data transformation that can only be realized by graph analysis.”

—— Head of Key Financial Services’ Data Strategy & Transformation from IBM

“Ultipa real-time Smart Business & Asset Liability Management system absolutely filled the gaps of rules, knowledge, perspectives across multi departments, it provides a fair platform where every stakeholder can talk on the same page under the same data set. Based on actual financial data, all conclusions are drawn via real-time computing, so it greatly saves the time and efforts spent on alignment and negotiations among treasury personnel, managers, and IT staff.... this solution keeps playing a key role in organization-wide coordination and management, improving the quality and efficiency of our business operations.”

—— Head of Asset Liability Management Department from CMB

“Faced with massive and complex data processing and data security issues in our banking business, PAB is still able to respond to customer needs quickly, safeguard the risk control and security, and exploit the power of deep data correlation with the help of Ultipa's leading real-time graph computing and graph embedding AI technology.”

—— Head of PAYH Retails Department

“Data warehouses and big data systems based on relational data architecture are failing us with their growingly complexed operations, lower efficiency, and larger time consumption, you can almost not expect to see data that are stored in data lake again. Ultipa’s next-generation real-time graph data management system, however, shows us its outstandingly fast, real-time, and accurate computing power when handling sea-volume and dynamic data and demands derived, we’ve also benefited a lot from its ease of use, flexibility, and cost-saving advantages.”

—— Head of PAYH Technology Management Department

“Known as graph database that has “nuclear-level” computing power, Ultipa Graph processes dynamic and multi-model data through high-dimensional data architecture, provides real-time data correlation, penetration, releases the most valuable insights on business from data, and it has become the most powerful weapon to empower smart enterprises with graph-augmented intelligence for digital transformation, expediting the next-generation Business Intelligence.”

—— DJ Metzer Senior Producer from CNBC

“Ultipa products’ capabilities have been fully verified in the capability tests of data loading, K-neighbor query, path query, graph algorithms, real-time updates, ease of use, secondary development and other indicators in a number of general-purpose and public databases’ performance benchmarking tests. For example, on K-neighbor queries, Ultipa is at least 10 times faster than graph database products worldwide. In fact, for more than 6 hops of ultra-deep queries, only Ultipa can return results; In the graph algorithms’ tests, many DBMS cannot run algorithms at all, only Ultipa succeeded.”

—— Director of AI Technology

“We are truly excited about what differences the deployment of liquidity risk management system based on Ultipa Graph real-time graph database can make to the analysis and decision-making of all relevant business indicators for our customers!”

—— Vice President of BOE


Ultipa's Real-time Liquidity Risk Management (and Attribution Analysis w/ Graph XAI) is the winner for the prestigious 2023 Bank Technology Award in the category of "Tech of the Future - AI and Data"
Ultipa has been highlighted for the impressive performance and ease of use of its products as a new graph database vendor, and regarded as a promising addition to the graph space
Ultipa Graph was selected as one of the 10 HKSTP EPiC 2023 Grand Finalists. This prestigious event attracted participants from over 55 countries and more than 610 innovative technology companies
Ultipa was selected for the Red Herring Top 100 List, and believed to embody the vision, drive and innovation that define a successful entrepreneurial venture
Ultipa Graph Database was awarded with“The Most Promising HPC Solution Providers 2022" by CIOReview
Gartner (2022), a leading global technology research and consulting firm
Ultipa Graph Database, Real-time Decision-Making (Anti-Fraud), Asset & Liability Management Graph Systems were listed as cases in its Market Guide for AI Software
Forrester (2022), one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world
Ultipa Graph Database v4.0 was selected into HTAP (Hybrid Transaction and Analytics Processing) Platforms
CBInsights (2022), a prestigious business analytics platform providing market intelligence on private companies and investor activities
Ultipa Graph Database was included as a benchmark case in its Report on the Application and Development of Graph Computing Technology Reseach

Start Your Fastest Graph Experience with Ultipa!

Fast Deployment

Container Supported

Micro Service Architecture

Native Cloud

Simplistic Configuration

Easy Operation

Fast Implementation

Fast Migration

Simple Configuration

Fast Data Transfer

Rich Data Source Support

High Performance

Microsecond and Ultra Deep Query High Density Computing

HDC Algorithm

High Density Computing

Low Latency

10-10,000x Faster

Online Installation

HTAP Cluster

High Availability Service

Efficient Election Strategy

Dynamic Role Configuration

Remote Disaster Recovery

Contact Us for More Solutions Try Ultipa Cloud!