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      The CALL statement allows you to execute a procedure, either on its own or as part of a larger query. A procedure can either be system-defined (referred to as a named procedure) or manually defined within the query (known as an inline procedure).

      <call procedure statement> ::= [ "OPTIONAL" ] "CALL" <procedure call>
      <procedure call> ::= <named procedure call> | <inline procedure call>


      • The OPTIONAL keyword can be used to handle cases where the procedure might not return results. If no result is found, it produces null values instead.

      Example Graph

      The following examples run against this graph:

      To create this graph, run the following query against an empty graph:

      INSERT (rowlock:User {_id:'U01', name:'rowlock'}),
             (brainy:User {_id:'U02', name:'Brainy'}),
             (purplechalk:User {_id:'U03', name:'purplechalk'}),
             (mochaeach:User {_id:'U04', name:'mochaeach'}),
             (lionbower:User {_id:'U05', name:'lionbower'}),
             (c01:Club {_id:'C01'}),
             (c02:Club {_id:'C02'}),

      Named Procedure Calls

      The CALL statement can invoke a pre-defined procedure deployed in the database. Ultipa offers a range of built-in procedures.

      <named procedure call> ::=
        <procedure reference> "(" [ <procedure argument list> ] ")" [ <yield clause> ]
      <procedure argument list> ::=
        <procedure argument> [ { "," <procedure argument> }... ]
      <procedure argument> ::= <value expression>


      • The YIELD clause can be used to select and rename columns of the binding table (if has) produced by the named procedure, allowing them to be exposed and referenced in subsequent parts of the query.

      Creating HDC Graph

      This query calls the procedure hdc.graph.create to project the whole current graph as a HDC graph hdc_g1 on HDC server hdc-server-1:

      CALL hdc.graph.create("hdc-server-1", "hdc_g1", {
          nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
          edges: {"*": ["*"]},
          query: "query",
          type: "Graph",
          update: "static",
          default: true

      Showing HDC Graph

      This query calls the procedure to retrieve all HDC graphs of the current graph:


      Result: _projectList

      project_name project_type filter_type is_default graph_name status stats hdc_server_name hdc_server_status config
      hdc_g1 central hdc_graph true Doc7 DONE {"edge_count":7,"edge_schema":{"Follows":{"id":2,"name":"Follows","properties":null},"Joins":{"id":3,"name":"Joins","properties":null}},"node_count":7,"node_schema":{"Club":{"id":3,"name":"Club","properties":null},"User":{"id":2,"name":"User","properties":[{"id":101,"name":"name","sub_types":null,"type":7}]}}} hdc-server-1 ALIVE {"edge_schema_map":"{"Follows":[],"Joins":[],"default":[]}","hdc_server_name":"hdc-server-1","job_type":"central","node_schema_map":"{"Club":[],"User":["name"],"default":[]}","orientation":"Graph","query":"query","shard_ids":[1],"update":"static"}

      This query calls the procedure to retrieve the HDC graph hdc_g1 of the current graph:


      Dropping HDC Graph

      This query calls the procedure hdc.graph.drop to drop the HDC graph hdc_g2 of the current graph:

      CALL hdc.graph.drop("hdc_g2")

      Showing Job

      This query calls the procedure to retrieve all jobs in the current graph:


      Result: result

      job_id graph_name type uql status err_msg result start_time end_time progress
      1 Doc7 CREATE_HDC_GRAPH CALL hdc.graph.create("hdc-server-1", "hdc_g1", { nodes: {"": [""]}, edges: {"": [""]}, query: "query", type: "Graph", update: "static", default: true }) FINISHED {"edge_count":7,"edge_schema":{"Follows":{"id":2,"name":"Follows","properties":null},"Joins":{"id":3,"name":"Joins","properties":null}},"node_count":7,"node_schema":{"Club":{"id":3,"name":"Club","properties":null},"User":{"id":2,"name":"User","properties":[{"id":101,"name":"name","sub_types":null,"type":7}]}}} 2024-09-18 17:54:55 2024-09-18 17:54:57

      This query calls the procedure to retrieve the job with job_id as 1 in the current graph:


      Running HDC Algorithm

      This query calls the procedure to run the Degree Centrality algorithm on the HDC graph hdc_g1:

      call"hdc_g1", {
        order: "desc"
      }) YIELD r
      RETURN r

      Result: r

      _uuid degree_centrality
      13042426719888211970 5.000000
      3602881900919652355 3.000000
      1585269267857670149 2.000000
      3458766712843796484 2.000000
      1008809615065874438 2.000000
      18374688678694879233 1.000000
      576464050838306823 1.000000

      Running HDC Algorithm with Writeback

      This query calls the procedure to run the Degree Centrality algorithm on the HDC graph hdc_g1 and write the results back to file degree.txt:

      CALL"hdc_g1", {
          params: {
              order: "desc"
          return_params: {
              file: {
                filename: "degree.txt"

      Inline Procedure Calls

      <inline procedure call> ::= [ <variable scope clause> ] <nested procedure specification>
      <variable scope clause> ::= "(" [ <binding variable reference list> ] ")"
      <binding variable reference list> ::= 
        <binding variable reference> [ { "," <binding variable reference> }... ]
      <binding variable reference> ::= <binding variable>
      <nested procedure specification> ::= "{" <procedure specification> "}"
      <procedure specification> ::=
          <catalog-modifying procedure specification>
        | <data-modifying procedure specification>
        | <query specification>
      <catalog-modifying procedure specification> ::= <procedure body>
      <nested data-modifying procedure specification> ::=
        "{" <data-modifying procedure specification> "}"
      <data-modifying procedure specification> ::= <procedure body>
      <nested query specification> ::= "{" <query specification> "}"
      <query specification> ::= <procedure body>
      <procedure body> ::= <statement block>
      <statement block> ::= <statement> [ <next statement>... ]
      <statement> ::=
          <linear catalog-modifying statement>
        | <linear data-modifying statement>
        | <composite query statement>
      <next statement> ::=
        "NEXT" [ <yield clause> ] <statement>

      The inline procedure call can be constructed with or without importing variables from earlier parts of the query using the variable scope clause.

      When there are variables imported, the inline procedure is effectively a subquery, which executes multiple times, each time operating on a single record of the imported variables.

      A subquery typically concludes with a RETURN clause. Each row produced by one execution is appended to the right side of the corresponding input row. When an execution yields no output rows, the associated input row is discarded. Conversely, if an execution produces multiple output rows, the corresponding input row is duplicated for each output row, allowing the results to be concatenated accordingly.

      Subquery without RETURN are used for data modification operations such as INSERT , SET, REMOVE and DELETE. Since these subqueries do not explicitly return any results, the number of rows present after the subquery remains the same as before the subquery.

      When there are no variables imported, the inline procedure only executes one time.

      Isolated Querying

      In this query, the CALL subquery is used to find the club joined by each user:

      MATCH (u:User)
      CALL (u) {
          MATCH (u)-[:Joins]-(c:Club)
          RETURN c
      RETURN, c.code

      Result: c.code
      mochaeach C02
      Brainy C01
      lionbower C01

      The CALL subqeuries enhance efficiency by better managing resources, particularly when working with large datasets, thus reducing memory overhead.

      Isolated Aggregation

      In this query, the CALL subquery is used to count the total number of followers for each user who joins a club:

      MATCH (u:User)-[:Joins]-(c:Club)
      CALL (u) {
          MATCH (u)<-[:Follows]-(follower)
          RETURN COUNT(follower) AS followersNo
      RETURN, c.code, followersNo

      Result: c.code followersNo
      Brainy C01 3
      lionbower C01 0
      mochaeach C02 0

      Isolated Data Modification

      In this query, the CALL subquery is used to set values for the property rates of edges labeled Joins:

      MATCH (u:User)-[j:Joins]-(c:Club)
      CALL (j) {
          SET j.rates = ROUND(RAND()*10, 2)
      RETURN, j.rates, c.code

      Result: j.rates c.code
      Brainy 9.67 C01
      lionbower 6.14 C01
      mochaeach 6.45 C02

      Importing Multiple Variables

      In this query, the CALL subquery is used to detect the reverse following relationship between two users, where it is known that one follows the other:

      MATCH (u1:User)<-[:Follows]-(u2:User)
      CALL (u1, u2) {
          OPTIONAL MATCH p = (u1)-[:Follows]->(u2)
          RETURN p
             CASE p WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN "Y"
             ELSE "N" END AS MutualFollowing

      Result: MutualFollowing
      Brainy rowlock N
      Brainy mochaeach N
      purplechalk Brainy Y
      purplechalk lionbower N

      Importing No Variables

      In this query, the CALL subquery is used to import no variables and it is executed two times:

      MATCH (c:Club)
      CALL {
          MATCH (u:User)
          RETURN COUNT(u) AS totalUsers
      RETURN COUNT(c) AS totalClubs, totalUsers


      totalClubs totalUsers
      2 5

      Multiple CALL Subqueries

      In this query, the first CALL subquery is used to set values for the property rates of edges labeled Joins, the second CALL subquery is used to count the average rating that each club receives:

      MATCH (u:User)-[j1:Joins]-(c:Club)
      CALL (j1) {
          SET j1.rates = ROUND(RAND()*10, 2)
      CALL (c) 
          MATCH (c)-[j2]-()
          RETURN ROUND(AVG(j2.rates), 2) as rating
      RETURN, j1.rates, c.code, rating

      Result: j1.rates c.code rating
      Brainy 8.58 C01 7.37
      lionbower 6.15 C01 7.37
      mochaeach 8.5 C02 8.5

      Setting the Order of Subqueries

      The order in which the subquery executed is not predetermined. If a specific execution order is desried, the ORDER BY clause should be used before the CALL subquery to enforce that sequence.

      In this query, the CALL subquery is used to count the total number of followers for each user; the exection order of the subqueries is determined by the ascending order of the users' names:

      MATCH (u:User)
      ORDER BY
      CALL (u) {
          MATCH (u)<-[:Follows]-(follower)
          RETURN COUNT(follower) AS followersNo
      RETURN, followersNo

      Result: followersNo
      Brainy 3
      lionbower 0
      mochaeach 0
      purplechalk 2
      rowlock 0
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