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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      GQL Conformance

      GQL is the standardized query language for graph databases, published by ISO/IEC in April 2024 as:

      Ultipa now supports most GQL features. This page claims the GQL conformance.

      Conformance to Required Features

      Following the GQL standard subclause 24.2, Ultipa’s support of the data model and mandatory GQL features is declared as follows.

      Data Model

      Ultipa claims conformance to:

      • Graph Type Support: Graph with a closed graph type [1] (Feature GG02) that supports the following features and more:
        • Explicit element type names (Feature GG20)
        • Optional element type key label sets (Feature GG23)
      • Unicode Compliance: Version 13 of The Unicode Standard.
      • Property Value Type Support: Mandatory property value types string, bool, int, float and other optional ones.

      [1] A graph that has a constraining graph type is said to be closed. A closed graph cannot contain nodes and edges that are of node types and edge types that are not specified in the graph’s constraining graph type.

      Mandatory Features

      Mandatory features are not assigned Feature IDs and Feature Names, unlike the optional features. Therefore, we reference them by their corresponding subclause numbers and titles as specified in the GQL standard:

      8 Transaction management No START TRANSACTION, ROLLBACK, COMMIT
      11 Object expressions No CURRENT_GRAPH
      14.4 <match statement> Yes MATCH, OPTIONAL MATCH
      14.9 <order by and page statement> Yes ORDER BY
      14.10 <primitive result statement> Yes
      14.11 <return statement> Yes RETURN
      14.12 <select statement> No SELECT
      16.1 <at schema clause> No
      16.3 <graph pattern binding table> Yes
      16.4 <graph pattern> Yes
      16.5 <insert graph pattern> Yes
      16.7 <path pattern expression> Yes
      16.8 <label expression> Yes
      16.9 <path variable reference> Yes
      16.10 <element variable reference> Yes
      16.13 <where clause> Yes WHERE
      16.14 <yield clause> Yes YIELD
      16.16 <order by clause> Yes ORDER BY
      16.17 <sort specification list> Yes ASC, DESC
      19.3 <comparison predicate> Yes =, <>, <, >, <=, >=
      19.4 <exists predicate> Yes EXIST
      19.5 <null predicate> Yes IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
      19.7 <normalized predicate> Yes IS NORMALIZED, IS NOT NORMALIZED
      20.2 <value expression primary> Yes
      20.3 <value specification> Yes Ultipa does not support SESSION_USER
      20.7 <case expression> Yes CASE, NULLIF, COALESCE
      20.9 <aggregate function> Yes avg(), count(), max(), min(), sum()
      20.11 <property reference> Yes Property reference of a graph element.
      20.20 <boolean value expression> Yes AND, OR, NOT
      20.21 <numeric value expression> Yes +, -, *, /
      20.22 <numeric value function> Yes char_length(), character_length()
      20.23 <string value expression> Yes String concatenation operator ||
      20.24 <character string function> Yes left(), right(), upper(), lower(), normalize()
      20.25 <byte string function> No left(), right()
      20.29 <duration value function> No duration()
      21.1 Names and variables Yes
      21.2 <literal> Yes

      Conformance to Optional Features

      Standard-defined optional GQL features are referenced by a Feature ID that comprises a letter “G” and three digits, and a Feature Name.


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      1 G002 Different-edges match mode Yes DIFFERENT EDGES, the default match mode.
      3 G004 Path variables Yes
      4 G005 Path search prefix in a path pattern Yes Also see Features G007, G014 to G020.
      5 G006 Graph pattern KEEP clause: path mode prefix No
      6 G007 Graph pattern KEEP clause: path search prefix No
      7 G010 Explicit WALK keyword No
      8 G011 Advanced path modes: TRAIL Yes TRAIL, the default path mode.
      9 G012 Advanced path modes: SIMPLE No
      10 G013 Advanced path modes: ACYCLIC No
      11 G014 Explicit PATH/PATHS keywords No
      12 G015 All path search: explicit ALL keyword Yes ALL
      13 G016 Any path search Yes ANY, ANY k
      14 G017 All shortest path search Yes ALL SHORTEST
      15 G018 Any shortest path search Yes ANY SHORTEST
      16 G019 Counted shortest path search Yes SHORTEST k
      17 G020 Counted shortest group search Yes SHORTEST k GROUP
      18 G030 Path multiset alternation No
      19 G031 Path multiset alternation: variable length path operands No
      20 G032 Path pattern union No
      21 G033 Path pattern union: variable length path operands No
      22 G035 Quantified paths Yes
      23 G036 Quantified edges Yes
      24 G037 Questioned paths No
      25 G038 Parenthesized path pattern expression Yes Also see Features G048 to G051.
      26 G039 Simplified path pattern expression: full defaulting No Also see Features G080 to G082.
      27 G041 Non-local element pattern predicates Yes
      28 G043 Complete full edge patterns Yes Edges in Ultipa are directed.
      29 G044 Basic abbreviated edge patterns Yes Edges in Ultipa are directed.
      30 G045 Complete abbreviated edge patterns Yes Edges in Ultipa are directed.
      31 G046 Relaxed topological consistency: adjacent vertex patterns Yes Currently only supports quantified path patterns.
      32 G047 Relaxed topological consistency: concise edge patterns Yes
      33 G048 Parenthesized path pattern: subpath variable declaration No
      34 G049 Parenthesized path pattern: path mode prefix No
      35 G050 Parenthesized path pattern: WHERE clause No
      36 G051 Parenthesized path pattern: non-local predicates No
      37 G060 Bounded graph pattern quantifiers Yes {m,n}, {m}, {,n}
      38 G061 Unbounded graph pattern quantifiers Yes {m,}, *, +
      39 G074 Label expression: wildcard label No Ultipa does not support empty label set.
      40 G080 Simplified path pattern expression: basic defaulting No
      41 G081 Simplified path pattern expression: full overrides No
      42 G082 Simplified path pattern expression: basic overrides No
      43 G100 ELEMENT_ID function Yes Returns the _uuid values of the graph elements.
      44 G110 IS DIRECTED predicate No
      45 G111 IS LABELED predicate No
      46 G112 IS SOURCE and IS DESTINATION predicate Yes
      47 G113 ALL_DIFFERENT predicate Yes
      48 G114 SAME predicate Yes
      49 G115 PROPERTY_EXISTS predicate Yes


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      50 GA01 IEEE 754 floating point operations Yes
      51 GA03 Explicit ordering of nulls Yes NULLS FIRST, NULLS LAST
      52 GA04 Universal comparison Yes
      53 GA05 Cast specification Yes
      54 GA06 Value type predicate No
      55 GA07 Ordering by discarded binding variables Yes
      56 GA08 GQL-status objects with diagnostic records No
      57 GA09 Comparison of paths Yes


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      58 GB01 Long identifiers Yes
      59 GB02 Double minus sign comments Yes --
      60 GB03 Double solidus comments Yes //


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      61 GC01 Graph schema management No
      62 GC02 Graph schema management: IF [ NOT ] EXISTS No
      63 GC03 Graph type: IF [ NOT ] EXISTS No
      64 GC04 Graph management Yes CREATE GRAPH, DROP GRAPH
      65 GC05 Graph management: IF [ NOT ] EXISTS No


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      66 GD01 Updatable graphs Yes INSERT, SET, and DELETE. REMOVE is not yet supported while its functionality can be achieved with SET.
      67 GD02 Graph label set changes No The label of a graph element cannot be modified.
      68 GD03 DELETE statement: subquery support No
      69 GD04 DELETE statement: simple expression support No


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      70 GE01 Graph reference value expressions No
      71 GE02 Binding table reference value expressions No
      72 GE03 Let-binding of variables in expressions Yes
      73 GE04 Graph parameters No
      74 GE05 Binding table parameters No
      75 GE06 Path value construction Yes ||
      76 GE07 Boolean XOR Yes XOR
      77 GE08 Reference parameters No
      78 GE09 Horizontal aggregation No


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      79 GF01 Enhanced numeric functions Yes abs(), mod(), floor(), ceil(), squrt
      80 GF02 Trigonometric functions Yes sin(), cos(), tan(), cot(), sinh(), cosh(), tanh(), asin(), acos(), atan(), degrees(), radians()
      81 GF03 Logarithmic functions Yes log(), log10(), ln(), exp(), power().
      82 GF04 Enhanced path functions Yes elements(), path_length()
      83 GF05 Multi-character TRIM function Yes btrim(), ltrim(), rtrim()
      84 GF06 Explicit TRIM function Yes trim()
      85 GF07 Byte string TRIM function No
      86 GF10 Advanced aggregate functions: general set functions Yes collect_list(), stddev_pop(), stddev_samp()
      87 GF11 Advanced aggregate functions: binary set functions Yes percentile_cont(), percentile_disc()
      88 GF12 CARDINALITY function Yes cardinality()
      89 GF13 SIZE function Yes size()
      90 GF20 Aggregate functions in sort keys No


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      91 GG01 Graph with an open graph type Yes
      92 GG02 Graph with a closed graph type Yes
      93 GG03 Graph type inline specification Yes
      94 GG04 Graph type like a graph No
      95 GG05 Graph from a graph source No
      96 GG20 Explicit element type names Yes
      97 GG21 Explicit element type key label sets No
      98 GG22 Element type key label set inference No
      99 GG23 Optional element type key label sets Yes The key label set of an element type is :<element type name>.
      100 GG24 Relaxed structural consistency Yes
      101 GG25 Relaxed key label set uniqueness for edge types No
      102 GG26 Relaxed property value type consistency Yes


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      103 GH01 External object references No
      104 GH02 Undirected edge patterns No


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      105 GL01 Hexadecimal literals No E.g., OxFF (255).
      106 GL02 Octal literals No E.g., 0o17 (15).
      107 GL03 Binary literals No E.g., 0b10000000 (128).
      108 GL04 Exact number in common notation without suffix Yes A decimal like .3 is not supported.
      109 GL05 Exact number in common notation or as decimal integer with suffix Yes E.g., 12.3M (12).
      110 GL06 Exact number in scientific notation with suffix Yes E.g., 1.23E3 (1230).
      111 GL07 Approximate number in common notation or as decimal integer with suffix No E.g., 3.14F (3.14 as a float), 1D (1 as a double value).
      112 GL08 Approximate number in scientific notation with suffix No E.g., 1.23e3F (1230 as a float value).
      113 GL09 Optional float number suffix No F
      114 GL10 Optional double number suffix No D
      115 GL11 Opt-out character escaping No
      116 GL12 SQL datetime and interval formats Yes Only SQL datetime formats are supported.


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      117 GP01 Inline procedure Yes CALL Subqueries
      118 GP02 Inline procedure with implicit nested variable scope Yes
      119 GP03 Inline procedure with explicit nested variable scope Yes
      120 GP04 Named procedure calls Yes CALL Procedures
      121 GP05 Procedure-local value variable definitions No
      122 GP06 Procedure-local value variable definitions: value variables based on simple expressions No
      123 GP07 Procedure-local value variable definitions: value variable based on subqueries No
      124 GP08 Procedure-local binding table variable definitions No
      125 GP09 Procedure-local binding table variable definitions: binding table variables based on simple expressions or references No
      126 GP10 Procedure-local binding table variable definitions: binding table variables based on subqueries No
      127 GP11 Procedure-local graph variable definitions No
      128 GP12 Procedure-local graph variable definitions: graph variables based on simple expressions or references No
      129 GP13 Procedure-local graph variable definitions: graph variables based on subqueries No
      130 GP14 Binding tables as procedure arguments No
      131 GP15 Graphs as procedure arguments No
      132 GP16 AT schema clause No
      133 GP17 Binding variable definition block No
      134 GP18 Catalog and data statement mixing Yes


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      135 GQ01 USE graph clause No
      136 GQ02 Composite query: OTHERWISE Yes OTHERWISE
      137 GQ03 Composite query: UNION Yes UNION
      138 GQ04 Composite query: EXCEPT DISTINCT Yes EXCEPT DISTINCT
      139 GQ05 Composite query: EXCEPT ALL Yes EXCEPT ALL
      141 GQ07 Composite query: INTERSECT ALL Yes INTERSECT ALL
      142 GQ08 FILTER statement Yes FILTER
      143 GQ09 LET statement Yes LET
      144 GQ10 FOR statement: list value support Yes
      146 GQ12 ORDER BY and page statement: OFFSET clause Yes SKIP
      147 GQ13 ORDER BY and page statement: LIMIT clause Yes LIMIT
      148 GQ14 Complex expressions in sort keys No
      149 GQ15 GROUP BY clause Yes GROUP BY
      150 GQ16 Pre-projection aliases in sort keys Yes
      151 GQ17 Element-wise group variable operations Yes
      152 GQ18 Scalar subqueries No
      153 GQ19 Graph pattern YIELD clause Yes YIELD
      154 GQ20 Advanced linear composition with NEXT Yes NEXT
      155 GQ21 OPTIONAL: Multiple MATCH statements Yes
      156 GQ22 EXISTS predicate: multiple MATCH statements Yes
      157 GQ23 FOR statement: binding table support Yes
      158 GQ24 FOR statement: WITH OFFSET Yes WITH OFFSET


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      159 GS01 SESSION SET command: session-local graph parameters No
      160 GS02 SESSION SET command: session-local binding table parameters No
      161 GS03 SESSION SET command: session-local value parameters No
      162 GS04 SESSION RESET command: reset all characteristics No
      163 GS05 SESSION RESET command: reset session schema No
      164 GS06 SESSION RESET command: reset session graph No
      165 GS07 SESSION RESET command: reset time zone displacement No
      166 GS08 SESSION RESET command: reset all session parameters No
      167 GS10 SESSION SET command: session-local binding table parameters based on subqueries No
      168 GS11 SESSION SET command: session-local value parameters based on subqueries No
      169 GS12 SESSION SET command: session-local graph parameters based on simple expressions or references No
      170 GS13 SESSION SET command: session-local binding table parameters based on simple expressions or references No
      171 GS14 SESSION SET command: session-local value parameters based on simple expressions No
      172 GS15 SESSION SET command: set time zone displacement No
      173 GS16 SESSION RESET command: reset individual session parameters No


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      174 GT01 Explicit transaction commands No
      175 GT02 Specified transaction characteristics No
      176 GT03 Use of multiple graphs in a transaction No


      Feature ID
      Feature Name
      177 GV01 8 bit unsigned integer numbers No
      178 GV02 8 bit signed integer numbers No
      179 GV03 16 bit unsigned integer numbers No
      180 GV04 16 bit signed integer numbers No
      181 GV05 Small unsigned integer numbers No
      182 GV06 32 bit unsigned integer numbers Yes uint32
      183 GV07 32 bit signed integer numbers Yes int32
      184 GV08 Regular unsigned integer numbers No
      185 GV09 Specified integer number precision No
      186 GV10 Big unsigned integer numbers No
      187 GV11 64 bit unsigned integer numbers Yes uint64
      188 GV12 64 bit signed integer numbers Yes uint64
      189 GV13 128 bit unsigned integer numbers No
      190 GV14 128 bit signed integer numbers No
      191 GV15 256 bit unsigned integer numbers No
      192 GV16 256 bit signed integer numbers No
      193 GV17 Decimal numbers Yes decimal
      194 GV18 Small signed integer numbers No
      195 GV19 Big signed integer numbers No
      196 GV20 16 bit floating point numbers No
      197 GV21 32 bit floating point numbers Yes float
      198 GV22 Specified floating point number precision No
      199 GV23 Floating point type name synonyms Yes double
      200 GV24 64 bit floating point numbers Yes double
      201 GV25 128 bit floating point numbers No
      202 GV26 256 bit floating point numbers No
      203 GV30 Specified character string minimum length No
      204 GV31 Specified character string maximum length Yes string
      205 GV32 Specified character string fixed length No
      206 GV35 Byte string types No
      207 GV36 Specified byte string minimum length No
      208 GV37 Specified byte string maximum length No
      209 GV38 Specified byte string fixed length No
      210 GV39 Temporal types: date, local datetime and local time support Yes timestamp
      211 GV40 Temporal types: zoned datetime and zoned time support Yes datetime
      212 GV41 Temporal types: duration support No
      213 GV45 Record types Yes Contains at least one of Feature GV46 and Feature GV47.
      214 GV46 Closed record types Yes RECORD
      215 GV47 Open record types No
      216 GV48 Nested record types Yes RECORD
      217 GV50 List value types Yes LIST
      218 GV55 Path value types Yes PATH
      219 GV60 Graph reference value types No
      220 GV61 Binding table reference value types No
      221 GV65 Dynamic union types Yes Contains at least one of Feature GV66 and Feature GV67.
      222 GV66 Open dynamic union types Yes LIST
      223 GV67 Closed dynamic union types No
      224 GV68 Dynamic property value types No
      225 GV70 Immaterial value types Yes
      226 GV71 Immaterial value types: null type support Yes null
      227 GV72 Immaterial value types: empty type support Yes null
      228 GV90 Explicit value type nullability No
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