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      The MATCH statement allows you to specify graph patterns to search for within the graph. It is the fundamental statement for retrieving data from the graph and binding them to variables for use in subsequent parts of the query.

      <match statement> ::=
        [ "OPTIONAL" ] "MATCH" <graph pattern> [ <graph pattern yield clause> ]
      <graph pattern yield clause> ::=
        "YIELD" <graph pattern yield item> [ { "," <graph pattern yield item> }... ]
      <graph pattern yield item> ::= <element variable> | <path variable>


      • You can use the keyword OPTIONAL with MATCH. The key difference between MATCH and OPTIONAL MATCH is in their handling of non-matching patterns:
        • MATCH: If the pattern does not match, no records are returned.
        • OPTIONAL MATCH: If the pattern does not match, the query returns a null value.
      • The MATCH statement supports the WHERE clause to apply search conditions to the graph pattern.
      • The MATCH statement supports the graph pattern YIELD clause to select variables to allow exposure in subsequent parts of the query.

      Example Graph

      The following examples run against this graph:

      To create this graph, run the following query against an empty graph:

      INSERT (rowlock:User {_id: 'U01', name: 'rowlock'}),
             (brainy:User {_id: 'U02', name: 'Brainy'}),
             (purplechalk:User {_id: 'U03', name: 'purplechalk'}),
             (mochaeach:User {_id: 'U04', name: 'mochaeach'}),
             (lionbower:User {_id: 'U05', name: 'lionbower'}),
             (c01:Club {_id: 'C01', since: 2005}),
             (c02:Club {_id: 'C02', since: 2005}),
             (rowlock)-[:Follows {createdOn: '2024-1-5'}]->(brainy),
             (mochaeach)-[:Follows {createdOn: '2024-2-10'}]->(brainy),
             (brainy)-[:Follows {createdOn: '2024-2-1'}]->(purplechalk),
             (purplechalk)-[:Follows {createdOn: '2024-5-3'}]->(lionbower),
             (brainy)-[:Joins {memberNo: 1}]->(c01),
             (lionbower)-[:Joins {memberNo: 2}]->(c01),
             (mochaeach)-[:Joins {memberNo: 9}]->(c02)

      Matching All Nodes

      To match all nodes, use a node pattern without label or property filters.

      MATCH (n)
      RETURN n

      Result: n

      _id _uuid schema
      U05 Sys-gen User {name: "lionbower"}
      U04 Sys-gen User {name: "mochaeach"}
      U03 Sys-gen User {name: "purplechalk"}
      U02 Sys-gen User {name: "Brainy"}
      U01 Sys-gen User {name: "rowlock"}
      C02 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}
      C01 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}

      Matching All Edges

      To match all edges, use an edge pattern without label or property filters. Notice that an edge pattern can only be used with node patterns on both sides, forming a path pattern.

      MATCH ()-[e]-()
      RETURN e

      Result: e

      Sys-gen U01 U02 UUID of U01 UUID of U02 Follows {createdOn: "2024-01-05 00:00:00" }
      Sys-gen U01 U02 UUID of U01 UUID of U02 Follows {createdOn: "2024-01-05 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U02 U03 UUID of U02 UUID of U03 Follows {createdOn: "2024-02-01 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U02 U03 UUID of U02 UUID of U03 Follows {createdOn: "2024-02-01 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U03 U05 UUID of U03 UUID of U05 Follows {createdOn: "2024-05-03 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U03 U05 UUID of U03 UUID of U05 Follows {createdOn: "2024-05-03 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U04 U02 UUID of U04 UUID of U02 Follows {createdOn: "2024-02-10 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U04 U02 UUID of U04 UUID of U02 Follows {createdOn: "2024-02-10 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U02 C01 UUID of U02 UUID of C01 Joins {memberNo: 1}
      Sys-gen U02 C01 UUID of U02 UUID of C01 Joins {memberNo: 1}
      Sys-gen U05 C01 UUID of U05 UUID of C01 Joins {memberNo: 2}
      Sys-gen U05 C01 UUID of U05 UUID of C01 Joins {memberNo: 2}
      Sys-gen U04 C02 UUID of U04 UUID of C02 Joins {memberNo: 9}
      Sys-gen U04 C02 UUID of U04 UUID of C02 Joins {memberNo: 9}

      Since edge direction is not specified in the above query, each edge in the graph is returned twice. Two paths are considered distinct when their element sequences differ.

      To return all edges without duplication in the graph, you can specify the edge direction explicitly either as outgoing (>) or incoming (<).

      MATCH ()<-[e]-()
      RETURN e

      Result: e

      Sys-gen U01 U02 UUID of U01 UUID of U02 Follows {createdOn: "2024-01-05 00:00:00" }
      Sys-gen U02 U03 UUID of U02 UUID of U03 Follows {createdOn: "2024-02-01 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U03 U05 UUID of U03 UUID of U05 Follows {createdOn: "2024-05-03 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U04 U02 UUID of U04 UUID of U02 Follows {createdOn: "2024-02-10 00:00:00"}
      Sys-gen U02 C01 UUID of U02 UUID of C01 Joins {memberNo: 1}
      Sys-gen U05 C01 UUID of U05 UUID of C01 Joins {memberNo: 2}
      Sys-gen U04 C02 UUID of U04 UUID of C02 Joins {memberNo: 9}

      Matching with Labels

      Both node pattern and edge pattern support the label expression to specify one or multiple labels of nodes and edges.

      This query retrieves all nodes labeled Club:

      MATCH (n:Club)
      RETURN n

      Result: n

      _id _uuid schema
      C02 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}
      C01 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}

      This query retrieves all nodes connected to Brainy with outgoing edges labeled Follows or Joins:

      MATCH (:User {name: 'Brainy'})-[:Follows|Joins]->(n)
      RETURN n

      Result: n

      _id _uuid schema
      U03 Sys-gen User {name: "purplechalk"}
      C01 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}

      Matching with Key-Value Property Specification

      Element property specification can be enclosed in node patterns and edge patterns which applies joint equalities to filter nodes and edges with key-value pairs.

      This query retrieves nodes labeled Club whose code and since have specific values:

      MATCH (n:Club {_id: 'C01', since: 2005})
      RETURN n

      Result: n

      _id _uuid schema
      C01 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}

      This query retrieves the member of club C01 whose memberNo is 1:

      MATCH (:Club {code: 'C01'})<-[:Joins {memberNo: 1}]->(n)
      RETURN n

      Result: n

      _id _uuid schema
      U02 Sys-gen User {name: "Brainy"}

      Matching with Abbreviated Edges

      When edge labels and properties are not relevant, and variables are not needed for later reference, you can simplify by using abbreviated edge patterns. The direction of the edges can still be specified if required.

      This query retrieves nodes connected with mochaeach with any outgoing edges:

      MATCH (:User {name: 'mochaeach'})->(n)
      RETURN n

      Result: n

      _id _uuid schema
      U02 Sys-gen User {name: "Brainy"}
      C02 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}

      Matching Paths

      This query retrieves the name of users followed by mochaeach, and the code of clubs joined by those users:

      MATCH p = (:User {name: 'mochaeach'})-[:Follows]->(:User)-[:Joins]->(:Club)
      RETURN p


      (:User {_id: "U04", name: "mochaeach"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-2-10"}]->(:User {_id: "U02", name: "Brainy"})-[:Joins {memberNo: 1}]->(:Club {_id: "C01", since: 2005})

      Matching with WHERE Clauses

      The WHERE clause can be optionally used within an element pattern, a parenthesized path expression, or immediately after a graph pattern when the graph pattern is used in the MATCH statement to specify various search conditions.

      Element Pattern WHERE Clause

      This query retrieves 1-step paths with outgoing edges labeled Follows, where the createdOn property of egdes is greater than a specified date:

      MATCH p = ()-[e:Follows WHERE e.createdOn > '2024-4-1']->()
      RETURN p


      (:User {_id: "U03", name: "purplechalk"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-5-3"}]->(:User {_id: "U05", name: "lionbower"})

      Parenthesized Path Pattern WHERE Clause

      This query retrieves one- or two-step paths containing edges labeled Follows, where the createdOn property of those edges is smaller than the specified value:

      MATCH p = (()-[e:Follows]->() WHERE e.createdOn < "2024-2-5"){1,2}
      RETURN p


      (:User {_id: "U01", name: "rowlock"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-1-5"}]->(:User {_id: "U02", name: "Brainy"})
      (:User {_id: "U01", name: "rowlock"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-1-5"}]->(:User {_id: "U02", name: "Brainy"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-2-1"}]->(:User {_id: "U03", name: "purplechalk"})
      (:User {_id: "U02", name: "Brainy"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-2-1"}]->(:User {_id: "U03", name: "purplechalk"})

      Graph Pattern WHERE Clause

      This query retrieves members of club C01 whose memberNo is greater than 1:

      MATCH (c:Club)<-[e:Joins]->(n)
      WHERE c._id = 'C01' AND e.memberNo > 1
      RETURN n

      Result: n

      _id _uuid schema
      U05 Sys-gen User {name: "lionbower"}

      Matching Quantified Paths

      A quantified path pattern constructs a path in which either the entire path or a segment of it is repeated a specified number of times.

      Using Quantified Edges

      This query retrieves the distinct nodes related to lionbower in 1 to 3 hops:

      MATCH (:User {name: 'lionbower'})-[]-{1,3}(n)



      Using Quantified Paths

      This query retrieves paths that begin with one- or two-step subpaths containing edges labeled Follows, where the createdOn property of those edges is greater than the specified value, and these subpaths must connect to node C01:

      MATCH p = (()-[e:Follows]->() WHERE e.createdOn > "2024-1-31"){1,2}()-({_id:"C01"})
      RETURN p


      (:User {_id: "U02", name: "Brainy"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-02-01"}]->(:User {_id: "U03", name: "purplechalk"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-05-03"}]->(:User {_id: "U05", name: "lionbower"})-[:Joins {memberNo: 2}]->(:Club {_id: "C01",since: 2005})
      (:User {_id: "U03", name: "purplechalk"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-05-03"}]->(:User {_id: "U05", name: "lionbower"})-[:Joins {memberNo: 2}]->(:Club {_id: "C01",since: 2005})
      (:User {_id: "U04", name: "mochaeach"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-02-10"}]->(:User {_id: "U02", name: "Brainy"})-[:Joins {memberNo: 1}]->(:Club {_id: "C01",since: 2005})

      Matching Shortest Paths

      A shortest path between two nodes is the path that has the fewest edges.

      This query retrieves all the shortest paths between lionbower and purplechalk within 5 hops:

      MATCH p = ALL SHORTEST (n1:User)-[]-{,5}(n2:User)
      WHERE = 'lionbower' AND = 'purplechalk'
      RETURN p


      (:User {_id: "U05", name: "lionbower"})-[:Follows {createdOn: "2024-5-3"}]->(:User {_id: "U03", name: "purplechalk"})

      Matching Multiple Connected Paths

      When the MATCH statement contains two or more path patterns connected by the common element variables, the final result is produced by taking the equi-join on the common variables of the result sets from the different path patterns.

      This query retrieves nodes labeled Club, who is connected with nodes who have relationships with both rowlock and purplechalk:

      MATCH ({name: 'rowlock'})-(x)-({name: 'purplechalk'}), (x)-[]-(y:Club)
      RETURN y

      Result: y

      _id _uuid schema
      C01 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}

      Matching Multiple Disconnected Paths

      When the MATCH statement contains two or more disconnected path patterns (i.e., no common element variables), the final result is produced by taking the Cartesian product of the result sets from the different path patterns.

      This query retrieves nodes labeled Club, and nodes labeled User who follow others after 2024-2-1:

      MATCH (c:Club), (u:User)-[f:Follows WHERE f.createdOn > '2024-2-1']->()
      RETURN c._id,


      C02 mochaeach
      C02 purplechalk
      C01 mochaeach
      C01 purplechalk


      Keeping Records for All Subqueries

      In both queries below, the variable u is first bound to three nodes (mocaheach, rowlock, and purplechalk) connected to the Brainy in a MATCH statement. This variable u is then referenced in the second MATCH statement, which leads to subqueries. In each subquery, one node from u is used to facilitate the path pattern matching. If a node does not result in a match, it will be excluded from subsequent parts of the query unless OPTIONAL MATCH is used, which returns a value of null instead.

      MATCH (:User {name: "Brainy"})-[]-(u:User)
      MATCH (u)-[:Joins]-(c:Club)
      RETURN, c._id

      Result: c._id
      mochaeach C02

      MATCH (:User {name: "Brainy"})-[:Follows]-(u:User)
      OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[:Joins]-(c:Club)
      RETURN, c._id

      Result: c._id
      purplechalk null
      mochaeach C02
      rowlock null

      Keeping the Query Running

      In the case when a statement produces empty result, the query effectively halts at that point, as there is no data for subsequent statements to operate on.

      In this query, the second MATCH statement fails to find a match for purplechalk joining a club, resulting in an empty working table. Consequently, the query terminates, and the subsequent MATCH statement, which could have retrieved data, is not executed.

      MATCH (n:User {name: "purplechalk"})
      MATCH (n)-[:Joins]-(c:Club)
      MATCH (m:User {name: "lionbower"})
      RETURN, c._id,

      Result: No Return Data

      To prevent the query from terminating early, you can use OPTIONAL MATCH as it enables the value null to be passed to the next statement.

      MATCH (n:User {name: "purplechalk"})
      OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:Joins]-(c:Club)
      MATCH (m:User {name: "lionbower"})
      RETURN, c._id,

      Result: c._id
      purplechalk null lionbower

      Checking the Existence of Edges

      This query returns users who have no followers:

      MATCH (n:User)
      OPTIONAL MATCH p = (n)<-[:Follows]-() WHERE p IS NULL


      ["mochaeach", "rowlock", "Brainy", "purplechalk", "lionbower"]

      Graph Pattern YIELD Clause

      The graph pattern YIELD clause can be optionally used to select variables to allow exposure in subsequent parts of the query.

      MATCH (n:User)-[:Joins]->(c:Club)
      YIELD c
      RETURN *

      Result: n

      _id _uuid schema
      C01 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}
      C02 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}
      C01 Sys-gen Club {since: 2005}
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