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      Query Composition

      In GQL, a query is composed of one or more statements. Each statement is a self-contained unit that can be executed by the database. A typical GQL query begins with the MATCH statement, which is used to retrieve data from the graph.

      Furthermore, a clause is a component of a statement that performs a specific function, such as WHERE for filtering. A clause on its own is not a complete instruction, but must be part of a statement.

      Linear Query

      A linear query refers to a query that is executed sequentially, where each statement is processed one after another without any branching or conditional logic. The result is returned in a straightforward progression.

      <linear query statement> ::=
        [ <query statement>... ] <result statement>
      <query statement> ::=
          <match statement>
        | <filter statement>
        | <let statement>
        | <for statement>
        | <order by statement>
        | <limit statement>
        | <skip statemenmt>
        | <call statement>
      <result statement> ::=
        <return statement> [ <order by and page statement> ]
      <order by and page statement> ::=
          <order by statement>
        | <order by statement> <skip statement>
        | <order by statement> <limit statement>
        | <order by statement> <skip statement> <limit statement>
        | <skip statement>
        | <skip statement> <limit clause>
        | <limit clause>   


      • Each linear query must conclude with a <result statement>, which includes a <return statement> and may optionally includes an <order by and page statement>.
        • The <order by and page statement> consists of standalone ORDER BY, SKIP, and LIMIT statements or their combinations, which must appear in this order when combined.

      For example, this is a linear query where the MATCH, FILTER and RETURN statements processed in a linear order:

      MATCH (:User {_id: "U01"})-[:Follows]->(u:User)
      FILTER = "New York"
      RETURN u

      Query and Result Statements

      MATCH Retrieves data from the graph using patterns and binds data with variables for subsequent references. WHERE, YIELD
      FILTER Selects a subset of records from the working table.
      LET Defines variables and adds corresponding columns to the working table.
      FOR Unnest a list into individual rows by expanding the working table.
      ORDER BY Sorts records in the working table.
      LIMIT Restricts the number of records to be retained in the working table.
      SKIP Discards a specified number of records from the beginning of the working table.
      CALL Invokes a system-defined procedure or inline subquery. YIELD
      RETURN Specifies the columns to include in the output table. GROUP BY

      Composite Query

      A composite query combines a list of linear queries with query conjunctions.

      For example, this is a composite query that uses UNION ALL to combine the results of two linear queries:

      MATCH (n:Club) RETURN n
      MATCH (n:User) RETURN n

      Learn more about Composite Query →

      Advanced Linear Composition with NEXT

      The NEXT statement can be used to chain multiple linear or composite query statements together, enabling more complex queries.

      Learn more about NEXT →

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