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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Deployment Options

      Ultipa offers flexible deployment options to suit your needs: Ultipa Cloud and On-Premises Deployment.

      Choose the deployment option that best aligns with your operational needs and resources. Whether you prefer the flexibility of the cloud or the control of on-premises deployment, Ultipa provides the tools and features to support your data management requirements.

      Ultipa Cloud

      Database instances created in Ultipa Cloud

      Ultipa Cloud is a cloud-based graph database service which simplifies the deployment and management of graph databases, allowing users to focus on data handling and application development rather than infrastructure management. This service combines the power of Ultipa's advanced graph database technology with the convenience and flexibility of a cloud-based solution.

      To get started with Ultipa Cloud, nagivate to FREE TRIAL is offered now.

      On-Premises Deployment

      If you prefer to have full control over your data and infrastructure, the on-premises deployment option is ideal. With this choice, you can install and manage Ultipa on your own servers, giving you complete autonomy over your setup, data security, and performance optimization.

      The recommended setup of Ultipa Powerhouse is as follows:

      Shards + HDCs Shards Only
      Applicability Real-time writes, offline data real-time computation, analytical processing Other requirements
      Scenario Examples Supercomputing center Shallow graph queries
      Offline or near-real-time graph computation Graph warehouse, metadata reading/writing
      Index calculation, audit models General purpose database
      Summary The HDC computation servers address the performance bottlenecks associated with low-memory shard architecture, enabling more efficient handling of massive data computation. It is designed for high-efficiency AP calculations and offline data processing, effectively meeting the distributed compuation demands of large graphs. Although mainly dependent on disk and network I/O, the architecture can still handle complex multi-layer queries and distributed aggregation tasks with high efficiency. It can serve as a general purpose database for developing applications such as websites and apps.

      * Name severs and meta servers are compulsory in the deployment.

      To speak to an Ultipa expert, send us a message at [email protected].

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