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      Graph Modeling

      This section introduces how to do graph modeling based on traditional table data in a simplified retailing scenario, in order to get graph data.

      Table Data

      The three foundamental tables in retail business are Customer Information table, Merchant Information table, and Transaction Information table. Transaction Information table records customers' transaction behaviors to merchants when purchasing merchandises.

      • Customer Information Table, CUSTOMER field:
      Field Name Meaning Example
      cust_no Customer number(Main Key) 100250090
      cust_name Customer name Zhang San
      risk_level Evaluated risk level(1~10) 4
      card_level Card level(1~10) 3
      balance Card balance 10000.11
      ... ... ...
      • Merchant Information table, MERCHANT field:
      Field Name Meaning Example
      merchant_no Merchant number(Main Key) RS00JF1DF
      merchant_name Merchant name Beijing Science and Technology Co. Ltd
      type Merchant type IV
      ... ... ...
      • Transaction Informtion table, TRANSCTION field:
      Field Name Meaning Example
      cust_no Customer number(External Key) 100250090
      merchant_no Merchant number(External Key) RS00JF1DF
      tran_date Transaction date(timestamp) 2022-03-21 22:12:56
      tran_amount Transaction amount 123.45
      tran_type Transaction type(1~20) 13
      result If successful(Y/N) Y
      ... ... ...

      If the scope of "external key" from TRANSCTION field exceeds "main key"s scope from CUSTOMER or MERCHANT,the transaction data can be regarded as invalid when inputting in a graph; or creating the customers and merchants the "external key" stands for before regarding the transaction data where the external key is located in as valid. Please note how Manager and Transporter handle this operation differently.

      Graph Data

      Graph modeling is the process of transforminf table data to graph data.The easiest modeling approach is to divide table data into two cateogories: Entity Table and Relation Table,taking each Entity Table as a node schema in a graph,each Relation Table as an edge schema in a graph, and each field as a schema property.

      It is often easy to identify an entity table, like CUSTOMER from customer information table and MERCHANT from merchant information table above. They stands for the two entities in a retailing scenario: customers and merchants.

      The identification of a relation table depends on entities, for relation table stands for relations among multiple entity tables. Therefore a relation table needs to have at least two external keys that stand for entity tables. The two external keys from Transaction Information table are the main keys cust_no from Customer Information table and merchant_no from Merchant Information table, so it can be regarded as a relation table.

      To satisfy needs from real-world business scenarios, relation tables can be input as entity tables as well. The criteria include but not limited to the extensibility of the graph model, the complexity of UQL used for business expression, and operation efficiency, etc.

      Customer Information table and Merchant Information Table are inputted as as node schema customer and merchant,and Transaction Information Table as edge schema transfer. Please note that edge schema does not reuse the name of the transaction information table but uses a verb; this is because Ultipa Graph's edges are directional edges, meaning that an edge always starts from a starting node to a terminal node, so the verb of the edge stands for an action from the starting node and the edge direction can be better understood semantically.

      Properties of schema customer, merchant, and transfer

      • Node schema customer
      Property Name Data Type Property Type
      _id string System property
      cust_name string Custom property
      risk_level int32 Custom property
      card_level int32 Custom property
      balance float Custom property
      ... ... ...

      System property _id is the unique node identifier in a graphset (not belonging to any schema),and it is the main key cust_no in the previous Customer Information table, its data type String's greatest length is 128: data type String's greatest length for other custom properties is 65535. Ultipa supports both float and double, with different byte numbers and storage granularities; user can decide which one to use based on their needs.

      • Node schema merchant
      Property Name Data Type Property Type
      _id string 系统属性
      merchant_name string Custom property
      type string Custom property
      ... ... ...

      System property here _id is the main key for previous Merchant Table merchant_no

      • Edge schema transfer
      Property Name Data Type Property Type
      _from string System property
      _to string System property
      tran_date timestamp Custom property
      tran_amount float Custom property
      tran_type int32 Custom property
      result string Custom property
      ... ... ...

      System property _from is the edge's starting node's _id, which is one of the external keys here: cust_no_to is the edge's terminal node's _id,which is another external key: merchant_no. The two properties' value are mandatory for inputting in graph.

      Naming convention for schema and property:2~64 characters, starting from a letter, composed of letters, numbers, and underlines.

      To satisfy needs from real-world business scenarios, some fields can be defined as schema as well, the judgement criteria includes but is not limited to the extensibility of the graph model, the complexity of UQL used for business expression, and operation efficiency, etc., similar to the handling of "Inputting Relational Table as Entity Table".

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