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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Manage Instances

      On Graph Blaze tab, you can click Action to view, stop, start, restart, configure, copy and terminate your instances.

      Instance Status and Operations

      Instances in different statuses support specific operations.

      Status Description Action
      Connect Start Stop Restart Terminate Configure View Copy
      Active Cluster is ready to connect to Ultipa tools. ×
      Stopped Cluster is stopped. × × ×
      Error Cluster or system is not functioning. × × × × × ×
      Initializing Cluster is being initialized. × × × × × × ×
      Starting Cluster is starting. × × × × ×
      Restarting Cluster is being restarted. × × × × ×
      Updating Cluster is being updated. × × × × ×
      Stopping Cluster is being stopped. × × × × ×
      Backing up Instance data is being backed up. × × × × ×
      Recovering Cluster is being stopped. × × × × ×
      Emptying Instance data is being cleared. × × × × ×

      For each instance status, actions marked with √ are available, while actions marked with × are unavailable.


      When the status of the instance is Active, click Action > View to view CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage and logs of the instance.


      Click Action > Start to start a Stopped instance. The process may take some time.


      Click Action > Stop to stop an Active instance. The process may take some time.

      Note: When an instance is stopped, it is only charged for storage usage.


      Click Action > Restart to restart the instance when needed. The process may take some time.


      Click Action > Configure to change the instance configuration.

      (Optional) Add Allowed Inbound IPs

      To connect to Ultipa tools, you must add your IP address(es) as allowed inbound IP(s).

      1. Click the pencil icon next to Public access.

      2. Add your IP address and click Update.

      Reset password

      Scroll down to Account setting, and click Reset password to change password for the root user.


      Scroll down to Account setting, and click Backup to back up present data in an active instance. You can create multiple backup instances for an instance and add tags to differentiate them.


      1. Scroll down to Account setting, and click Recover to restore all data to a backup version.

      2. Enter the instance name to recover in the pop-up window, and click Recover.

      Note: After recovered to a backup version, the instance will be automatically restarted.


      Scroll down to Account setting, and click Empty to clean all data in the instance.

      Note: Empty does not delete backups. You can recover instance data to a selected backup version.

      Change Instance Size

      Instance size can only be changed for Standard or Enterprise instances. Shared instances cannot be resized.

      1. Click Action > Stop to stop an Active instance.

      2. Click Action > Configure.

      3. Scroll down to Account setting and click Change Instance Size. On the pop-up window, select the new configuration you want, and then click Update.

      Note: The instance size can only be scaled up, not down.

      Change Storage Size

      Storage size can only be changed for Standard or Enterprise instances. Shared instances cannot be resized.

      1. A 6-hour waiting period is required before resizing the instance storage.
      2. The storage size can only be scaled up, not down.

      Copy(No data)

      Click Action > Copy(No data) to create a new instance based on the configuration of the current instance. To adjust the configuration, click the pencil icon .

      As each instance requires a unique password, scroll down to Account setting to set a new password for the instance. After reviewing all the information, click Start.

      If you do not manually set the instance name in Configuration, the system will generate a name using the following format: the first four characters of the original instance's name, an underscore (_), the letter "C" (indicating "Clone"), and a random number for distinction. For example, a clone of "My 1st Instance" could be named "My 1_C031562".


      Warning: To terminate an instance means to delete the instance and all data contained completely, which is irrevocable and unrecoverable.

      Click Action > Terminate, enter the instance name and click Terminate.

      Please complete the following information to download this book