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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Create Instance


      Ensure that you have an Ultipa Account to log in to Ultipa Cloud.

      If not, go to or to sign up.

      Deploy A Cloud Database

      Create an Instance

      Log in to Ultipa Cloud.

      On Ultipa Graph tab, click +Create or Create Now on the right to start deploying an Ultipa graph database instance.

      Select Database Type

      Ultipa Cloud offers three types of database, including Shared, Standard and Enterprise. Select according to your needs and click Create.

      The sample case goes with Shared one.

      Comparison of different database types is shown below:

      Shared Standard Enterprise
      Specification For learning and exploring the cool features by Ultipa Graph with minimal cost. For application development and testing. Minimal configuration required. For production applications with sophisticated workload requirements. Advanced configuration controls.
      vCPU 2 192 Unlimited
      Memory 8G 2T Unlimited
      Storage 40G 4T Unlimited
      Superfast Graph Algos(1) Support Support Support
      Advanced Graph Algos(1) N/A N/A Support
      Convenient CLI toolkit Support Support Support
      2D/3D Manager Support Support Support
      HTAP (OLTP & OLAP)(2) N/A N/A Support
      Dynamically Resizable N/A Support Support
      Support Service Forum Support: Official Q&A platform and Discord community. Click help for details. Friendly Online Support 7*24 Technical Support
      Price(3) Pay-as-you-go, starting from $0.61/hr Pay-as-you-go, starting from $1.14/hr Contact the team for pricing

      (1) Superfast Graph Algos include the most frequently used graph algorithms with improved design from Ultipa, and Advanced Graph Algos cover all graph algorithms supported by Ultipa Graph.

      (2) HTAP (OLTP & OLAP) is an enterprise-exclusive provision, and supports HTAP high availability cluster deployment and computing performance.

      (3) Ultipa Cloud service is measured and billed on a per-second basis, so the actual payment can be much lower than the price here.

      Confirm Database Type

      In this step, you can change the database type between Shared and Standard, and set Region and Instance Size according to your needs.

      Note: Region and Instance Size are fixed for Shared type but modifiable for Standard type.

      Click Next: Settings after confirmation.

      Complete Basic Settings

      Instance Name

      Give your instance a tag (up to 128 bytes) to find and manage it later.


      Select the version of Ulitpa Graph according to your needs. Recommend keeping the default latest version.

      Network Settings

      Listening Port Fixed for Shared type. Restart the instance to change the port for Standard type.
      Inbound Allowed IPs Click Add IP to include the IP into the allowlist for later access.

      Server Configuration

      Memory Threshold The maximum allowable memory usage. It can help protect system from out-of-memory (OOM). Recommend keeping the default 80%.
      Log Level Level of logs to be output. Recommend keeping the default Level 3.
      Node ID Cache The size of '_id (customized ID) → _uuid (DB engine ID) mapping', used to speed up inserting operations. More IDs need more memory.

      Instance Advanced Configuration

      Enabling Short UUID can help reduce large memory usage. The maximum node and edge number in a single graph will be limited to 4 billions.

      Click Next: Account.

      Set Account

      Set the password for Ultipa Graph's root user. Then click Next: Review and Start.

      Review and Start

      Review all the configuration of your instance. For modification, click the pencil icon.

      When the configuration is reviewed and confirmed, click Start to initialize your instance.

      Set Payment Method

      If the payment method is not set before, a pop-up window will appear after you click Start.

      Enter relevant information of your credit card and click Submit.

      Note:You may also susbcribe to our service via AWS Marketplace. For details, see Subscribe via AWS Marketplace.

      Please complete the following information to download this book