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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Request Configuration

      All querying methods support an optional request configuration parameter (RequestConfig or InsertRequestConfig) to customize the behavior of requests made to the database. This parameter allows you to specify various settings, such as graphset name, timeout, and host, to tailor your requests according to your needs.


      RequestConfig defines the information needed when sending non-insert type of requests to the database.

      using Newtonsoft.Json;
      using UltipaSharp;
      using UltipaSharp.configuration;
      using UltipaSharp.connection;
      using Logger = UltipaSharp.utils.Logger;
      using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
      class Program
          static async Task Main(string[] args)
              var ultipa = new Ultipa(new UltipaConfig()
                  //URI example: Hosts = new[]{""}
                  Hosts = new[]{ "", "", "" },
                  CurrentGraph = "default",
                  Username = "***",
                  Password = "***",
              Console.WriteLine("Connected to the graph database!");
              var requestConfig = new RequestConfig()
                  Graph = "miniCircle",
                  UseMaster = true,
                  RequestType = RequestType.Normal
              var res = await ultipa.Uql("find().nodes() return nodes{*} limit 2", requestConfig);

      RequestConfig has the following fields:

      Item Type Default Value Description
      Graph string? Name of the graph to use. If not set, use the CurrentGraph configured when establishing the connection.
      Timeout uint? Request timeout threshold in seconds.
      ClusterId string? Specifies the cluster to use.
      Host string? Sends the request to a designated host node, or to a random host node if not set.
      UseMaster bool false Sends the request to the leader node to guarantee consistency read if set to true.
      UseControl bool false Sends the request to the control node if set to true.
      RequestType RequestType RequestType.Normal Sends the requset to a node according to the request type:
      RequestType.Write: to leader node
      RequestType.Task: to algo
      RequestType.Normal: to a random host
      Uql string? UQL for internal program
      Timezone string? The time zone to use.
      TimezoneOffset int? The amount of time that the time zone in use differs from UTC in seconds.
      ThreadNumber int? Number of threads.


      InsertRequestConfig defines the settings needed when sending data insertion or deletion requests to the database.

      using Newtonsoft.Json;
      using UltipaSharp;
      using UltipaSharp.configuration;
      using UltipaSharp.connection;
      using Logger = UltipaSharp.utils.Logger;
      using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
      using UltipaService;
      using UltipaSharp.structs;
      using Property = UltipaSharp.structs.Property;
      using Schema = UltipaSharp.structs.Schema;
      class Program
          static void Main(string[] args)
              var ultipa = new Ultipa(new UltipaConfig()
                  Hosts = new[]{ "", "", ""  },
                  Username = "***",
                  Password = "***",
              Console.WriteLine("Connected to the graph database!");
              var schema = new Schema()
                  Name = "User",
                  DbType = DBType.Dbnode,
                  Properties = new()
                      new ()
                          Name = "name",
                          Type = PropertyType.String,
                          Name = "age",
                          Type = PropertyType.Int32
                          Name = "birth",
                          Type = PropertyType.Datetime
              var nodes = new List<Node>()
                      Id = "C#1",
                      Schema = schema.Name,
                      Values =
                      new (){ 
                          {"name", "name1"},
                          {"age", 28},
                          {"birth", new DateTime(1989,9,12)}
              // Specifies 'test' as the target graphset and sets the insert mode to OVERWRITE
              var insertConfig = new InsertRequestConfig()
                  Graph = "test",
                 InsertType = InsertType.Overwrite,
              var res = ultipa.InsertNodesBatchBySchema(schema,nodes,insertConfig);

      InsertRequestConfig has the following fields:

      Item Type Default Value Description
      Graph string? Name of the graph to use. If not set, use the CurrentGraph configured when establishing the connection.
      Timeout uint? Request timeout threshold in seconds.
      ClusterId string? Specifies the cluster to use.
      Host string? Sends the request to a designated host node, or to a random host node if not set.
      UseMaster bool false Sends the request to the leader node to guarantee consistency read if set to true.
      UseControl bool false Sends the request to the control node if set to true.
      RequestType RequestType RequestType.Normal Sends the requset to a node according to the request type:
      RequestType.Write: to leader node
      RequestType.Task: to algo
      RequestType.Normal: to a random host
      Uql string? UQL for internal program
      Timezone string? The time zone to use.
      TimezoneOffset int? The amount of time that the time zone in use differs from UTC in seconds.
      ThreadNumber int? Number of threads.
      InsertType UltipaService.InsertType InsertType.Normal Insert mode: InsertType.Normal, InsertType.Overwrite, InsertType.Upsert.
      CreateNodeIfNotExist bool true Whether to create start/end nodes of an edge if the end nodes do not exist in the graph.
      Silent bool true Whether to keep slient after success insertion, i.e., whether to return the inserted nodes or edges.
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