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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Data Insertion and Deletion

      This section introduces methods on a Connection object for inserting nodes and edges to the graph or deleting nodes and edges from the graphset.

      Each example focuses solely on the method's usage. For a complete code example, please refer to the full example.

      Example Graph Data Model

      The examples below demonstrate how to insert or delete nodes or edges from a graphset with the following schema and property definitions:

      Property Type Mapping

      When inserting nodes or edges, you may need to specify property values of different types. The mapping between Ultipa property types and Go/Driver data types is as follows:

      Ultipa Property Type
      Go/Driver Type
      int32 int32
      uint32 uint32
      int64 int64
      uint64 uint64
      float float32
      double float64
      decimal Supports various numeric types (int32, int64, float32, float64, uint32, uint64) and string
      string string
      text string
      datetime string
      timestamp string
      point string, type
      blob []byte{}, supports various numeric types (int32, int64, float32, float64, uint32, uint64) and string
      list slice
      set slice



      Inserts new nodes of a schema to the current graph.


      • string: Name of the schema.
      • []Node: The list of Node objects to be inserted.
      • InsertRequestConfig (Optional): Configuration settings for the request. If nil is provided, the function will use default configuration settings.


      • Response: Result of the request. The Response object contains an alias nodes that holds all the inserted nodes when InsertRequestConfig.Slient is set to true.
      • error: An error object containing details about any issues that occurred. nil is returned if the operation is successful.

      // Inserts two nodes into schema 'user' in graphset 'lcc', prints error code and information of the inserted nodes
      requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
        UseMaster: true,
        GraphName: "lcc",
      // There is no alias in Response if InsertRequestConfig.Slient is false
      insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
        RequestConfig: requestConfig,
        InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
        Silent:        true,
      var nodes []*structs.Node
      node1 := structs.NewNode()
      node1.UUID = 1
      node1.ID = "U001"
      node1.Set("name", "Alice")
      node1.Set("age", 18)
      node1.Set("score", 65.32)
      node1.Set("birthday", "1993-5-4")
      node1.Set("location", "point(23.63 104.25)")
      node1.Set("profile", "abc")
      node1.Set("interests", []string{"tennis", "violin"})
      node1.Set("permissionCodes", []int32{2004, 3025, 1025})
      node2 := structs.NewNode()
      node2.UUID = 2
      node2.ID = "U002"
      node2.Set("name", "Bob")
      nodes = append(nodes, node1, node2)
      myInsert, _ := conn.InsertNodes("user", nodes, insertRequestConfig)
      println("Operation succeeds:", myInsert.Status.IsSuccess())
      nodeList, schemaList, _ := myInsert.Alias("nodes").AsNodes()
      printers.PrintNodes(nodeList, schemaList)

      Operation succeeds: true
      |  ID  | UUID | Schema | name  |  age  |     score     |         birthday         |          location           |  profile   |    interests    | permissionCodes  |
      | U001 |  1   |  user  | Alice |  18   | 65.3200000000 | 1993-05-04T00:00:00.000Z | POINT(23.630000 104.250000) | [97 98 99] | [tennis violin] | [2004 3025 1025] |
      | U002 |  2   |  user  |  Bob  | <nil> |     <nil>     |          <nil>           |            <nil>            |   <nil>    |      <nil>      |      <nil>       |


      Inserts new edges of a schema to the current graph.


      • string: Name of the schema.
      • []Edge: The list of Edge objects to be inserted.
      • InsertRequestConfig (Optional): Configuration settings for the request. If nil is provided, the function will use default configuration settings.


      • Response: Result of the request. The Response object contains an alias edges that holds all the inserted edges when InsertRequestConfig.Slient is set to true.
      • error: An error object containing details about any issues that occurred. nil is returned if the operation is successful.

      // Inserts two edges into schema 'follows' in graphset 'lcc', prints error code and information of the inserted edges
      requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
        UseMaster: true,
        GraphName: "lcc",
      // There is no alias in Response if InsertRequestConfig.Slient is false
      insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
        RequestConfig: requestConfig,
        InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
        Silent:        true,
      var edges []*structs.Edge
      edge1 := structs.NewEdge()
      edge1.UUID = 1
      edge1.From = "U001"
      edge1.To = "U002"
      edge1.Set("createdOn", "2024-5-6")
      edge2 := structs.NewEdge()
      edge2.UUID = 2
      edge2.From = "U002"
      edge2.To = "U001"
      edge2.Set("createdOn", "2024-5-8")
      edges = append(edges, edge1, edge2)
      myInsert, err := conn.InsertEdges("follows", edges, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      println("Operation succeeds:", myInsert.Status.IsSuccess())
      edgeList, schemaList, _ := myInsert.Alias("edges").AsEdges()
      printers.PrintEdges(edgeList, schemaList)

      Operation succeeds: true
      | UUID | FROM_UUID | FROM | TO_UUID |  TO  | SCHEMA  |           createdOn           |
      |  1   |     1     | U001 |    2    | U002 | follows | 2024-05-06T00:00:00.000+08:00 |
      |  2   |     2     | U002 |    1    | U001 | follows | 2024-05-08T00:00:00.000+08:00 |


      Inserts new nodes of a schema into the current graph through gRPC. The properties within the node values must be consistent with those declared in the schema structure.


      • Schema: The target schema.
      • []Node: The list of Node objects to be inserted.
      • InsertRequestConfig (Optional): Configuration settings for the request. If nil is provided, the function will use default configuration settings.


      • InsertResponse: Result of the request.
      • error: An error object containing details about any issues that occurred. nil is returned if the operation is successful.

      // Inserts two nodes into schema 'user' in graphset 'lcc' and prints error code 
      requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
        UseMaster: true,
        GraphName: "lcc",
      insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
        RequestConfig: requestConfig,
        InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_OVERWRITE,
      schema := structs.NewSchema("user")
      schema.Properties = append(schema.Properties, &structs.Property{
        Name: "name",
        Type: ultipa.PropertyType_STRING,
      }, &structs.Property{
        Name: "age",
        Type: ultipa.PropertyType_INT32,
      }, &structs.Property{
        Name: "score",
        Type: ultipa.PropertyType_DECIMAL,
      }, &structs.Property{
        Name: "birthday",
        Type: ultipa.PropertyType_DATETIME,
      }, &structs.Property{
        Name: "location",
        Type: ultipa.PropertyType_POINT,
      }, &structs.Property{
        Name: "profile",
        Type: ultipa.PropertyType_BLOB,
      }, &structs.Property{
        Name:     "interests",
        Type:     ultipa.PropertyType_LIST,
        SubTypes: []ultipa.PropertyType{ultipa.PropertyType_STRING},
      }, &structs.Property{
        Name:     "permissionCodes",
        Type:     ultipa.PropertyType_SET,
        SubTypes: []ultipa.PropertyType{ultipa.PropertyType_INT32},
      var nodes []*structs.Node
      node1 := structs.NewNode()
      node1.UUID = 1
      node1.ID = "U001"
      node1.Set("name", "Alice")
      node1.Set("age", 18)
      node1.Set("score", 65.32)
      node1.Set("birthday", "1993-5-4")
      node1.Set("location", "point(23.63 104.25)")
      node1.Set("profile", "abc")
      node1.Set("interests", []string{"tennis", "violin"})
      node1.Set("permissionCodes", []int32{2004, 3025, 1025})
      node2 := structs.NewNode()
      node2.UUID = 2
      node2.ID = "U002"
      node2.Set("name", "Bob")
      node2.Set("age", nil)
      node2.Set("score", nil)
      node2.Set("birthday", nil)
      node2.Set("location", nil)
      node2.Set("profile", nil)
      node2.Set("interests", nil)
      node2.Set("permissionCodes", nil)
      nodes = append(nodes, node1, node2)
      myInsert, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchBySchema(schema, nodes, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      println("Operation succeeds:", myInsert.Status.IsSuccess())

      Operation succeeds: true


      Inserts new edges of a schema into the current graph through gRPC. The properties within the edge values must be consistent with those declared in the schema structure.


      • Schema: The target schema.
      • []Edge: The list of Edge objects to be inserted.
      • InsertRequestConfig (Optional): Configuration settings for the request. If nil is provided, the function will use default configuration settings.


      • InsertResponse: Result of the request.
      • error: An error object containing details about any issues that occurred. nil is returned if the operation is successful.

      // Inserts two edges into schema 'follows' in graphset 'lcc' and prints error code
      requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
        UseMaster: true,
        GraphName: "lcc",
      insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
        RequestConfig: requestConfig,
        InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_OVERWRITE,
      schema := structs.NewSchema("follows")
      schema.Properties = append(schema.Properties, &structs.Property{
        Name: "createdOn",
        Type: ultipa.PropertyType_TIMESTAMP,
      var edges []*structs.Edge
      edge1 := structs.NewEdge()
      edge1.UUID = 1
      edge1.From = "U001"
      edge1.To = "U002"
      edge1.Set("createdOn", "2024-5-6")
      edge2 := structs.NewEdge()
      edge2.UUID = 2
      edge2.From = "U002"
      edge2.To = "U001"
      edge2.Set("createdOn", "2024-5-8")
      edges = append(edges, edge1, edge2)
      myInsert, err := conn.InsertEdgesBatchBySchema(schema, edges, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      println("Operation succeeds:", myInsert.Status.IsSuccess())

      Operation succeeds: true


      Inserts new nodes of one or multiple schemas to the current graph through gRPC. The properties within node values must be consistent with those defined in the corresponding schema structure.


      • []Node: The list of Node objects to be inserted.
      • InsertRequestConfig (Optional): Configuration settings for the request. If nil is provided, the function will use default configuration settings.


      • InsertBatchAutoResponse: Result of the request.
      • error: An error object containing details about any issues that occurred. nil is returned if the operation is successful.

      // Inserts two nodes into schema 'user' and one node into schema `product` in graphset 'lcc' and prints error code
      requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
        UseMaster: true,
        GraphName: "lcc",
      insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
        RequestConfig: requestConfig,
        InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
      var N1 []*structs.Node
      node1 := structs.NewNode()
      node1.Schema = "user"
      node1.UUID = 1
      node1.ID = "U001"
      node1.Set("name", "Alice")
      node1.Set("age", 18)
      node1.Set("score", 65.32)
      node1.Set("birthday", "1993-5-4")
      node1.Set("location", "point(23.63 104.25)")
      node1.Set("profile", "abc")
      node1.Set("interests", []string{"tennis", "violin"})
      node1.Set("permissionCodes", []int32{2004, 3025, 1025})
      N1 = append(N1, node1)
      insert1, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchAuto(N1, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      for _, item := range insert1.Resps {
        println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())
      var N2 []*structs.Node
      node2 := structs.NewNode()
      node2.Schema = "user"
      node2.UUID = 2
      node2.ID = "U002"
      node2.Set("name", "Bob")
      node2.Set("age", nil)
      node2.Set("score", nil)
      node2.Set("birthday", nil)
      node2.Set("location", nil)
      node2.Set("profile", nil)
      node2.Set("interests", nil)
      node2.Set("permissionCodes", nil)
      N2 = append(N2, node2)
      insert2, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchAuto(N2, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      for _, item := range insert2.Resps {
        println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())
      var N3 []*structs.Node
      node3 := structs.NewNode()
      node3.Schema = "product"
      node3.UUID = 3
      node3.ID = "P001"
      node3.Set("name", "Wireless Earbud")
      node3.Set("price", float32(93.2))
      N3 = append(N3, node3)
      insert3, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchAuto(N3, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      for _, item := range insert3.Resps {
        println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())

      Operation succeeds: true
      Operation succeeds: true
      Operation succeeds: true


      Inserts new edges of one or multiple schemas to the current graph through gRPC. The properties within edge values must be consistent with those defined in the corresponding schema structure.


      • []Edge: The list of Edge objects to be inserted.
      • InsertRequestConfig (Optional): Configuration settings for the request. If nil is provided, the function will use default configuration settings.


      • InsertBatchAutoResponse: Result of the request.
      • error: An error object containing details about any issues that occurred. nil is returned if the operation is successful.

      // Inserts two edges into schema 'follows' and one edge into schema 'purchased' in graphset 'lcc' and prints error code
      requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
        UseMaster: true,
        GraphName: "lcc",
      insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
        RequestConfig: requestConfig,
        InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
      var E1 []*structs.Edge
      edge1 := structs.NewEdge()
      edge1.Schema = "follows"
      edge1.UUID = 1
      edge1.From = "U001"
      edge1.To = "U002"
      edge1.Set("createdOn", "2024-5-6")
      E1 = append(E1, edge1)
      insert1, err := conn.InsertEdgesBatchAuto(E1, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      for _, item := range insert1.Resps {
        println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())
      var E2 []*structs.Edge
      edge2 := structs.NewEdge()
      edge2.Schema = "follows"
      edge2.UUID = 2
      edge2.From = "U002"
      edge2.To = "U001"
      edge2.Set("createdOn", "2024-5-8")
      E2 = append(E2, edge2)
      insert2, err := conn.InsertEdgesBatchAuto(E2, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      for _, item := range insert2.Resps {
        println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())
      var E3 []*structs.Edge
      edge3 := structs.NewEdge()
      edge3.Schema = "purchased"
      edge3.UUID = 3
      edge3.From = "U002"
      edge3.To = "P001"
      edge3.Set("qty", 1)
      E3 = append(E3, edge3)
      insert3, err := conn.InsertEdgesBatchAuto(E3, insertRequestConfig)
      if err != nil {
      for _, item := range insert3.Resps {
        println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())

      Operation succeeds: true
      Operation succeeds: true
      Operation succeeds: true



      Deletes nodes that meet the given conditions from the current graph. It's important to note that deleting a node leads to the removal of all edges that are connected to it.


      • string: The filtering condition to specify the nodes to delete.
      • InsertRequestConfig (Optional): Configuration settings for the request. If nil is provided, the function will use default configuration settings.


      • Response: Result of the request. The Response object contains an alias nodes that holds all the deleted nodes when InsertRequestConfig.Slient is set to true.
      • error: An error object containing details about any issues that occurred. nil is returned if the operation is successful.

      // Deletes one @user nodes whose name is 'Alice' from graphset 'lcc' and prints error code
      // All edges attached to the deleted node are deleted as well
      requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
        UseMaster: true,
        GraphName: "lcc",
      insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
        RequestConfig: requestConfig,
        InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
      myDeletion, _ := conn.DeleteNodes("{ == 'Alice'}", insertRequestConfig)
      println("Operation succeeds:", myDeletion.Status.IsSuccess())

      Operation succeeds: true


      Deletes edges that meet the given conditions from the current graph.


      • string: The filtering condition to specify the edges to delete.
      • InsertRequestConfig (Optional): Configuration settings for the request. If nil is provided, the function will use default configuration settings.


      • Response: Result of the request. The Response object contains an alias edges that holds all the deleted edges when InsertRequestConfig.Slient is set to true.
      • error: An error object containing details about any issues that occurred. nil is returned if the operation is successful.

      // Deletes all @purchased edges from graphset 'lcc' and prints error code
      requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
        UseMaster: true,
        GraphName: "lcc",
      insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
        RequestConfig: requestConfig,
        InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
      deleteEdge, _ := conn.DeleteEdges("{@purchased}", insertRequestConfig)
      println("Operation succeeds:", deleteEdge.Status.IsSuccess()

      Operation succeeds: true

      Full Example

      package main
      import (
        ultipa ""
      func main() {
        // Connection configurations
        //URI example: hosts=""
        config, _ := configuration.NewUltipaConfig(&configuration.UltipaConfig{
          Hosts:    []string{"", "", ""},
          Username: "***",
          Password: "***",
        // Establishes connection to the database
        conn, _ := sdk.NewUltipa(config)
        // Request configurations
        requestConfig := &configuration.RequestConfig{
          UseMaster: true,
          GraphName: "lcc",
        // Insert Request configurations
        insertRequestConfig := &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
          RequestConfig: requestConfig,
          InsertType:    ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
        // Inserts two nodes into schema 'user' and one node into schema `product` in graphset 'lcc' and prints error code
        var N1 []*structs.Node
        node1 := structs.NewNode()
        node1.Schema = "user"
        node1.UUID = 1
        node1.ID = "U001"
        node1.Set("name", "Alice")
        node1.Set("age", 18)
        node1.Set("score", 65.32)
        node1.Set("birthday", "1993-5-4")
        node1.Set("location", "point(23.63 104.25)")
        node1.Set("profile", "abc")
        node1.Set("interests", []string{"tennis", "violin"})
        node1.Set("permissionCodes", []int32{2004, 3025, 1025})
        N1 = append(N1, node1)
        insert1, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchAuto(N1, insertRequestConfig)
        if err != nil {
        for _, item := range insert1.Resps {
          println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())
        var N2 []*structs.Node
        node2 := structs.NewNode()
        node2.Schema = "user"
        node2.UUID = 2
        node2.ID = "U002"
        node2.Set("name", "Bob")
        node2.Set("age", nil)
        node2.Set("score", nil)
        node2.Set("birthday", nil)
        node2.Set("location", nil)
        node2.Set("profile", nil)
        node2.Set("interests", nil)
        node2.Set("permissionCodes", nil)
        N2 = append(N2, node2)
        insert2, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchAuto(N2, insertRequestConfig)
        if err != nil {
        for _, item := range insert2.Resps {
          println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())
        var N3 []*structs.Node
        node3 := structs.NewNode()
        node3.Schema = "product"
        node3.UUID = 3
        node3.ID = "P001"
        node3.Set("name", "Wireless Earbud")
        node3.Set("price", float32(93.2))
        N3 = append(N3, node3)
        insert3, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchAuto(N3, insertRequestConfig)
        if err != nil {
        for _, item := range insert3.Resps {
          println("Operation succeeds:", item.Status.IsSuccess())
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