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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Querying Methods

      Once the connection is established, you can send requests to query the database through various methods on the Connection object, categorized as follows:

      General Purpose Methods
      UQL Execution
      • uql()
      • uqlStream()
      Task Specific Methods
      Graphset Management
      • showGraph()
      • getGraph()
      • createGraph()
      • createGraphIfNotExist()
      • dropGraph()
      • alterGraph()
      • truncate()
      • compact()
      • hasGraph()
      • unmountGraph()
      • mountGraph()
      Schema and Property Management
      • showSchema()
      • getSchema()
      • showNodeSchema()
      • showEdgeSchema()
      • getNodeSchema()
      • getEdgeSchema()
      • createSchema()
      • createSchemaIfNotExist()
      • alterSchema()
      • dropSchema()
      • showProperty()
      • showNodeProperty()
      • showEdgeProperty()
      • getProperty()
      • getNodeProperty()
      • getEdgeProperty()
      • createProperty()
      • createPropertyIfNotExist()
      • alterProperty()
      • dropProperty()
      Data Insertion and Deletion
      • insertNodes()
      • insertEdges()
      • insertNodesBatchBySchema()
      • insertEdgesBatchBySchema()
      • insertNodesBatchAuto()
      • insertEdgesBatchAuto()
      • deleteNodes()
      • deleteEdges()
      Query Acceleration
      • lte()
      • ufe()
      • showIndex()
      • showNodeIndex()
      • showEdgeIndex()
      • createIndex()
      • dropIndex()
      • showFulltext()
      • showNodeFulltext()
      • showEdgeFulltext()
      • createFulltext()
      • dropFulltext()
      Algorithm Management
      • showAlgo()
      • installAlgo()
      • uninstallAlgo()
      • showExta()
      • installExta()
      • uninstallExta()
      Downloads and Exports
      • downloadAlgoResultFile()
      • downloadAllAlgoResultFile()
      • export()
      Process and Task Management
      • top()
      • kill()
      • showTask()
      • clearTask()
      • stopTask()
      Access Management
      • showPrivilege()
      • showPolicy()
      • getPolicy()
      • createPolicy()
      • alterPolicy()
      • dropPolicy()
      • showUser()
      • getUser()
      • createUser()
      • alterUser()
      • dropUser()
      • grantPolicy()
      • revokePolicy()
      • stats()
      • test()

      The task specific methods eliminate the need to explicitly write UQL. The following two examples use the uql() and showNodeProperty() methods respectively to retrieve the club-member node schema and print its associated properties. Notice that the latter is easier to write and returns the result as a list of Property directly. While with uql(), you need to extract the data from Response and cast it into Property.

      // Uses the uql() method
      let resp = await conn.uql("show().node_schema(@`club-member`)", requestConfig);
      let nodeList ="_nodeSchema").asSchemas();
      console.log( =>;
      // Uses the showNodeProperty() method
      let resp = await conn.showNodeProperty("club-member", requestConfig);
      console.log( =>;

      However, the uql() method serves all querying purposes and can be utilized when the task specific methods are not privided, such as for node, edge or path queries.

      Lastly, if you are retrieving a large amount of data from the database, it is recommended to use the the uqlStream() method to processes the result set incrementally.

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