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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      After installing the Ultipa Python SDK and setting up a running Ultipa instance, you should be able to connect your application to the Ultipa graph database.

      Connection to Ultipa can be established by creating a driver with configurations specified using the following methods:

      The values of configuration items are preferentially determined by UltipaConfig, followed by .env. If an item is not found in either configuration, the default value is used.

      Code Configuration Connection

      from ultipa import Connection, UltipaConfig
      ultipaConfig = UltipaConfig()
      # URI example: ultipaConfig.hosts = [""]
      ultipaConfig.hosts = ["", "", ""]
      ultipaConfig.username = "<username>"
      ultipaConfig.password = "<password>"
      Conn = Connection.NewConnection(defaultConfig=ultipaConfig)
      response = Conn.test()
      # The connection is successfully established if the code is 0
      print("Code = ", response.status.code)

      Code =  0

      A driver is created with the configurations specified using UltipaConfig. Please refer to Configuration Items for all items available for configuring connection details with UltipaConfig.

      The Connection.NewConnection() method obtains a connection to Ultipa. The graphset identified by the configuration item defaultGraph will be used.

      File Configuration Connection

      import os
      from dotenv import load_dotenv, dotenv_values
      from pathlib import Path
      from ultipa import Connection, UltipaConfig
      from ultipa.utils.logger import LoggerConfig
      # Loads the .env file into the environment, and overrides system environment variables
      env_path = Path('./.env')
      env_dict = dotenv_values(dotenv_path=env_path)
      load_dotenv(encoding='utf-8', override=True)
      # Fetches environment variables
      env_config = {
          "hosts": os.getenv("hosts"),
          "username": os.getenv("username"),
          "password": os.getenv("password"),
          "defaultGraph": os.getenv("defaultGraph")
      def getConn():
          hosts = env_config.get("hosts", "").split(",")
          username = env_config.get("username", "")
          password = env_config.get("password", "")
          defaultGraph = env_config.get("defaultGraph", "")
          uqlLoggerConfig = LoggerConfig(name="testLog", fileName="../intergration_tests/Logs/test.log", isWriteToFile=True, isStream=True)
          defaultConfig = UltipaConfig(hosts=hosts, username=username, password=password, heartBeat=10, uqlLoggerConfig=uqlLoggerConfig)
          Conn = Connection.NewConnection(defaultConfig)
          return Conn
      response = getConn().test()
      print("Code = ", response.status.code)

      2024-08-19 10:21:00,347 - INFO: Test Welcome To Ultipa!
      2024-08-19 10:21:00,357 - INFO: Test Welcome To Ultipa!
      2024-08-19 10:21:00,370 - INFO: Test Welcome To Ultipa!
      2024-08-19 10:21:00,374 - INFO: Test Welcome To Ultipa!
      Code =  1000

      A driver is created with the configurations specified using the .env file. The .env file should be placed under root path of the project.

      Example of the .env file:

      Please refer to Configuration Items for all items available for configuring connection details with the .env file.

      Configuration Items

      Below are all the configuration items available for UltipaConfig and .env file:

      hosts List[str] Database host addresses or URI (excluding https:// or http://). For clusters, multiple addresses are separated by commas. Required.
      username str Username of the host authentication. Required.
      password str Password of the host authentication. Required.
      passwordEncrypt PasswordEncrypt PasswordEncrypt.MD5 Password encryption method of the driver. Supports MD5, LDAP and NOTHING.
      timeoutWithSeconds int 3600 Request timeout threshold in seconds.
      consistency bool False Whether to use the leader node to ensure consistency read.
      crtFilePath str The file path of SSL certificate when both Ultipa server and client-end are in SSL mode.
      maxRecvSize int -1 Maximum size in bytes when receiving data.
      defaultGraph str default Name of the graph in the database to use by default.
      heartBeat int 10 Heartbeat interval in seconds for all instances, set 0 to disable heartbeat.
      heartBeat int 10 Heartbeat interval in seconds for all instances, set 0 to disable heartbeat.
      timeZone str Timezone in standard format.
      timeZoneOffset int/str Specifies how far the target timezone is from UTC, either in seconds (if an integer) or a 5-character string such as +0700 and -0430.
      responseWithRequestInfo bool False Whether to return request.
      debug bool False Whether to use debug mode.
      uqlLoggerConfig LoggerConfig Configures logging for the UQL operations, including name, filename, isWriteToFile, level and isStream.
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