Change Password

Please enter the password.
Please enter the password. Between 8-64 characters. Not identical to your email address. Contain at least 3 of: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
Please enter the password.

Change Nickname

Current Nickname:

Apply New License

License Detail

Please complete this required field.

  • Ultipa Graph V4


Please complete this required field.

Please complete this required field.

The MAC address of the server you want to deploy.

Please complete this required field.

Please complete this required field.

Applied Validity Period(days)
Effective Date
Excpired Date
Mac Address
Apply Comment
Review Comment
  • Full Name:
  • Phone:
  • Company:
  • Company Email:
  • Country:
  • Language:
Change Password

You have no license application record.

Certificate Issued at Valid until Serial No. File
Serial No. Valid until File

Not having one? Apply now! >>>

Product Created On ID Amount (USD) Invoice
Product Created On ID Amount (USD) Invoice

No Invoice


      Restful API

      This article introduces the minimum procedure of using Ultipa Restful API proxy.

      Change Log (V4.0 to V4.2)

      • Use Go SDK v4.2
      • Abandon command line parameter -bodytype
      • Add interfaces /uql/stream, /update/nodes and /update/edges


      • a command line terminal that is compatible with your operating system:
      • a version of Ultipa Importer compatible with your operating system

      Start API Service

      1. Show help

      ./ultipa_restful_api.exe --help
      1. Show current version

      ./ultipa_restful_api.exe --version
      1. Start API service

      ./ultipa_restful_api.exe --hosts,, -u employee -p joaGsdf -w 3

      Note: -hosts, -u and -p are equivalent to --hosts, --username and --password

      Other Parameters:

      Default Value
      -l --listen The network and initial port to listen
      -w --workers The number of backend workers (threads), e.g.: 5 works will be the default 7001-7005 0
      -g --graph The graphset name 'default'
      -b --boost Use SimpleCache (Do not use cache)
      -c --consistency Use leader to guarantee Consistency Read (Do not use leader)
      -batch --batch The batch size (number of records) of /insert/nodes and /insert/edges 5000
      -d --duration The batch insert waiting time (milliseconds) 1000
      -hb --heartbeat The heartbeat seconds for all instances 5
      -sd --schema_cache_duration The heartbeat milliseconds when acquiring schema list during insert 5000

      API Basic Info

      • Request type: POST
      • Request URL:
        • Linux: the Ultipa server that the current API service connects, e.g. ''
        • Windows/MacOS: the local address of the current API service, ''
      • Request port: the valid ports set via -w and -l when starting the API service
      • Body parameter type: JSON, FORM

      Login Ultipa Service

      • Request URL

      • Request Example

          "username": "employee",
          "password": "joaGsdf"
      • Response: the token value after login

      The rest of API interfaces should all have this token value carried in Cookie in the Headers, ultipa=<token_value>, with Content_Type application/json.

      Send UQL

      • Request URL

      • Request Parameter
      Parameter Type Required
      uql string yes UQL statement
      graph string no The graphset name (default value: the graphset designated when starting the API service)
      • Request Example

          "uql": "find().nodes({name == \"abc\"}) return count(nodes)",
          "graph": "test_text"
      • Success Response

          "Data": [
                  "Name": "count(nodes)",
                  "PropertyType": 4,
                  "Rows": [
          "Graph": "test_text",
          "Statistic": {
              "NodeAffected": 0,
              "EdgeAffected": 0,
              "TotalCost": 0,
              "EngineCost": 0
          "Status": {
              "Message": "",
              "Code": 0

      Send UQL and limit returns

      • Request URL

      • Request Parameter
      Parameter Type Required
      uql string yes UQL statement
      graph string no The graphset name (default value: the graphset designated when starting the API service)
      package_num int no The number of packages to return (default value: 0, query but do not return)
      • Request Example

          "uql": "find().nodes({name == \"abc\"}) return nodes",
          "graph": "test_text",
          "package_num": 1
      • Success Response

      Insert Nodes

      • Request URL

      • Request Parameter
      Parameter Type Required
      nodes [{},{},...] (JSON), map (FORM) yes Node properties, must include all custom properties, do not support _uuid; in tools such as Postman, set multiple nodes with type {} as FORM parameter
      schema string yes Node schema
      graph string no The graphset name (default value: the graphset designated when starting the API service)
      sync bool no If return the status of request (default value: false). A 'true' value will induce batch waiting time (-d, --duration) when the data volume is less than batch size (-b, --batch), which will affect the insert performance
      • Request Example

          "nodes": [{"name":"Jason","_id":"USER001"},{"name":"Alice"}],
          "schema": "default",
          "graph": "test_text",
          "sync": true
      • Success Response

          "Msg": "Insert Nodes Success: [{\"_id\":\"USER001\",\"name\":\"Jason\"},{\"name\":\"Alice\"}]"

      Insert Edges

      • Request URL

      • Request Parameter
      Parameter Type Required
      edges [{},{},...] (JSON), map (FORM) yes Edge properties, must carry _from&_to and all custom properties, do not support _uuid, _from_uuid or _to_uuid; in tools such as Postman, set multiple edges with type {} as FORM parameter
      schema string yes Edge schema
      graph string no The graphset name (default value: the graphset designated when starting the API service)
      sync bool no If return the status of request (default value: false). A 'true' value will induce batch waiting time (-d, --duration) when the data volume is less than batch size (-b, --batch), which will affect the insert performance
      • Request Example

          "edges": [{"year":"1998", "_from":"USER001", "_to":"USER002"}],
          "schema": "default",
          "graph": "test_text",
          "sync": true
      • Success Response

          "Msg": "Insert Edges Success: [{\"_from\":\"USER001\",\"_to\":\"USER002\",\"year\":\"1998\"}]"

      Update Nodes

      Update nodes based on _id or _uuid.

      • Request URL

      • Request Parameter
      Parameter Type Required
      nodes [{},{},...] (JSON), map (FORM) yes Node properties, must include _id or _uuid, if both are included then ignore _uuid; in tools such as Postman, set multiple nodes with type {} as FORM parameter
      graph string no The graphset name (default value: the graphset designated when starting the API service)
      • Request Example

          "nodes": [{"age":"35", "_id":"USER001"}, {"name":"John", "_id": "USER002"}],
          "graph": "test_text"
      • Success Response

          "Msg": "Update nodes on test_text",
          "SuccessCount": 2

      Update Edges

      Update edges based on _from&_to or _uuid.

      • Request URL

      • Request Parameter
      Parameter Type Required
      edges [{},{},...] (JSON), map (FORM) yes Edge properties, must carry _from&_to or _uuid, if both are included then ignore _uuid; in tools such as Postman, set multiple edges with type {} as FORM parameter
      graph string no The graphset name (default value: the graphset designated when starting the API service)
      • Request Example

          "edges": [{"_uuid":"1","_from_uuid":"2", "age":"55"}],
          "graph": "test_text"
      • Success Response

          "Msg": "Update edges on test_text",
          "SuccessCount": 1
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