The k-Core algorithm identifies the maximal connected subgraph where all nodes have a minimum degree of k. It is commonly employed to extract closely connected groups in a graph for further analysis. The algorithm is widely utilized in various research domains including financial risk control, social network analysis, and biology. One of the key advantages of the k-Core algorithm is its low time complexity (linear), making it efficient for large-scale graph processing. Additionally, the resulting subgraphs have good intuitive interpretability, aiding in the understanding of the graph's structural patterns and relationships.
The commonly accepted concept of k-core was first proposed by Seidman:
- S.B. Seidman, Network Structure And Minimum Degree. Soc Netw 5:269-287 (1983)
The k-core of a graph is obtained through an iterative pruning process. Starting with the original graph, nodes with a degree less than k are successively removed until only nodes with degrees greater than or equal to k remain.
Below is the pruning process to get the 3-core of the graph. In the first round, nodes {a, d, f} with degree less than 3 are removed , which then affects the removal of node b in the second round. After the second round, all remaining nodes have a degree of at least 3. Therefore, the pruning process ends, and the 3-core of this graph is induced by nodes {c, e, g, h}.

Ultipa's k-Core algorithm identifies the k-core in each connected component.
- The k-Core algorithm ignores self-loops in the graph. Any self-loop present is not considered when calculating the degree of the respective node.
- The k-Core algorithm ignores the direction of edges but calculates them as undirected edges.
Example Graph

To create this graph:
// Runs each row separately in order in an empty graphset
insert().into(@default).nodes([{_id:"A"}, {_id:"B"}, {_id:"C"}, {_id:"D"}, {_id:"E"}, {_id:"F"}, {_id:"G"}, {_id:"H"}, {_id:"I"}])
insert().into(@default).edges([{_from:"A", _to:"C"}, {_from:"B", _to:"B"}, {_from:"B", _to:"D"}, {_from:"C", _to:"B"}, {_from:"C", _to:"D"}, {_from:"E", _to:"D"}, {_from:"E", _to:"F"}, {_from:"E", _to:"G"}, {_from:"E", _to:"H"}, {_from:"F", _to:"D"}, {_from:"G", _to:"D"}, {_from:"G", _to:"F"}, {_from:"I", _to:"A"}])
Running on HDC Graphs
Creating HDC Graph
To load the entire graph to the HDC server hdc-server-1
as hdc_kcore
CALL hdc.graph.create("hdc-server-1", "hdc_kcore", {
nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
edges: {"*": ["*"]},
direction: "undirected",
load_id: true,
update: "static",
query: "query",
default: false
hdc.graph.create("hdc_kcore", {
nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
edges: {"*": ["*"]},
direction: "undirected",
load_id: true,
update: "static",
query: "query",
default: false
Algorithm name: k_core
Name |
Type |
Spec |
Default |
Optional |
Description |
k |
Integer | ≥1 | / | No | Specifies the minimum degree k for nodes to be included in the k-core subgraph. |
return_id_uuid |
String | uuid , id , both |
uuid |
Yes | Includes _uuid , _id , or both to represent nodes in the results; this option is only valid in File Writeback. |
File Writeback
CALL algo.k_core.write("hdc_kcore", {
params: {
k: 3,
return_id_uuid: "id"
return_params: {
file: {
filename: "3-core.txt"
projection: "hdc_kcore",
k: 3,
return_id_uuid: "id"
file: {
filename: "3-core.txt"
Full Return
CALL algo.k_core("hdc_kcore", {
params: {
k: 2
return_params: {}
}) YIELD k2
k: 2
}) as result
return result
} on hdc_kcore
Stream Return
CALL algo.k_core("hdc_kcore", {
params: {
k: 3
return_params: {
stream: {}
}) YIELD r
FOR node in r
RETURN node._id
k: 3
}).stream() as r
uncollect r as node
return node._id
} on hdc_kcore
node._id |
G |
D |
F |
E |
Running on Distributed Projections
Creating Distributed Projection
To project the entire graph to its shard servers as dist_kcore
create().projection("dist_kcore", {
nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
edges: {"*": ["*"]},
direction: "undirected",
load_id: true
Algorithm name: k_core
Name |
Type |
Spec |
Default |
Optional |
Description |
k |
Integer | ≥1 | / | No | Specifies the minimum degree k for nodes to be included in the k-core subgraph. |
File Writeback
CALL algo.k_core.write("dist_kcore", {
params: {
k: 3
return_params: {
file: {
filename: "3-core.txt"
projection: "dist_kcore",
k: 3
file: {
filename: "3-core.txt"