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      LINE (Large-scale Information Network Embedding) is a network embedding model that preserves the local or global network structures. LINE is able to scale to very large, arbitrary types of networks, it was originally proposed in 2015:


      First-order Proximity and Second-order Proximity

      First-order proximity in a network shows the local proximity between two nodes, and it is contingent upon connectivity. The existence of a link or a link with a larger weight (negative weight is not considered here) signifies greater first-order proximity among two nodes; if no link exist in-between, their first-order proximity is 0.

      On the other hand, second-order proximity between a pair of nodes is the similarity between their neighborhood structure, which is determined through the shared neighbors. In case two nodes lack common neighbors, their second-order proximity is 0.

      This is an illustrative example, where the edge thickness signifies its weight.

      • A substantial weight on the edge between nodes 6 and 7 indicates a high first-order proximity. They shall have close representations in the embedding space.
      • Though nodes 5 and 6 are not directly connected, their considerable common neighbors establish a notable second-order proximity. They are expected to be represented closely to each other in the embedding space as well.

      LINE Model

      The LINE model is designed to embed nodes in graph G = (V,E) into low-dimensional vectors, preserving the first- or second-order proximity between nodes.

      LINE with First-order Proximity

      To capture the first-order proximity, LINE defines the joint probability for each edge (i,j)∈E connecting nodes vi and vj as follows:

      where ui is the low-dimensional vector representation of node vi. The joint probability p1 ranges from 0 to 1, with two closer vectors resulting in a higher dot product and, consequently a higher joint probability.

      Empirically, the joint probability between node vi and vj can be defined as

      where wij denotes the edge weight between nodes vi and vj, W is the sum of all edge weights in the graph.

      The KL-divergence is adopted to measure the difference between two distributions:

      This serves as the objective function that needs to be minimized during training when preserving the first-order proximity.

      LINE with Second-order Proximity

      To model the second-order proximity, LINE defines two roles for each node - one as the node itself, another as "context" for other nodes (this concept originates from the Skip-gram model). Accordingly, two vector representations are introduced for each node.

      For each edge (i,j)∈E, LINE defines the probability of "context" vj be observed by node vi as

      where u'j is the representation of node vj when it is regarded as the "context". Importantly, the denominator involves the whole "context" in the graph.

      The corresponding empirical probability can be defined as

      where wij is weight of edge (i,j), di is the weighted degree of node vi.

      Similarly, the KL-divergence is adopted to measure the difference between two distributions:

      This serves as the objective function that needs to be minimized during training when preserving the second-order proximity.

      Model Optimization

      Negative Sampling

      To improve the computation efficiency, LINE adopts the negative sampling approach which samples multiple negative edges according to some noisy distribution for each edge (i,j). Specifically, the two objective functions are adjusted as:

      where σ is the sigmoid function, K is the number of negative edges drawn from the noise distribution Pn(v) ∝ dv3/4, dv is the weighted degree of node v.


      Since the edge weights are included in both objectives, these weights will be multiplied into gradients, resulting in the explosion of the gradients and thus compromise the performance. To address this, LINE samples the edges with the probabilities proportional to their weights, and then treat the sampled edges as binary edges for model updating.


      • The LINE algorithm ignores the direction of edges but calculates them as undirected edges.

      Example Graph

      To create this graph:

      // Runs each row separately in order in an empty graphset
      create().edge_property(@default, "score", float)
      insert().into(@default).edges([{_from:"A", _to:"B", score:1}, {_from:"A", _to:"C", score:3}, {_from:"C", _to:"D", score:1.5}, {_from:"D", _to:"F", score:5}, {_from:"E", _to:"C", score:2.2}, {_from:"E", _to:"F", score:0.6}, {_from:"F", _to:"G", score:1.5}, {_from:"G", _to:"J", score:2}, {_from:"H", _to:"G", score:2.5}, {_from:"H", _to:"I", score:1}])

      Creating HDC Graph

      To load the entire graph to the HDC server hdc-server-1 as hdc_line:

      CALL hdc.graph.create("hdc-server-1", "hdc_line", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true,
        update: "static",
        query: "query",
        default: false

      hdc.graph.create("hdc_line", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true,
        update: "static",
        query: "query",
        default: false


      Algorithm name: line

      edge_schema_property []"@<schema>?.<property>" / / No Numeric edge properties used as edge weights, summing values across the specified properties; edges without the specified properties are ignored.
      dimension Integer ≥2 / No Dimensionality of the embeddings.
      train_total_num Integer ≥1 / No Total number of training iterations.
      train_order Integer 1, 2 1 Yes Type of proximity to preserve, 1 means first-order proximity, 2 means second-order proximity.
      learning_rate Float (0,1) / No Learning rate used initially for training the model, which decreases after each training iteration until reaches min_learning_rate.
      min_learning_rate Float (0,learning_rate) / No Minimum threshold for the learning rate as it is gradually reduced during the training.
      neg_num Integer ≥0 / No Number of negative samples to produce for each positive sample, it is suggested to set between 0 to 10.
      resolution Integer ≥1 1 Yes The parameter used to enhance negative sampling efficiency; a higher value offers a better approximation to the original noise distribution; it is suggested to set as 10, 100, etc.
      return_id_uuid String uuid, id, both uuid Yes Includes _uuid, _id, or both values to represent nodes in the results.
      limit Integer ≥-1 -1 Yes Limits the number of results returned; -1 includes all results.

      File Writeback

      CALL algo.line.write("hdc_line", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          edge_schema_property: "score",
          dimension: 3,
          train_total_num: 10,
          train_order: 1,
          learning_rate: 0.01,
          min_learning_rate: 0.0001,
          neg_number: 5,
          resolution: 100
        return_params: {
          file: {
            filename: "embeddings"

        projection: "hdc_line",
        return_id_uuid: "id",
        edge_schema_property: "score",
        dimension: 3,
        train_total_num: 10,
        train_order: 1,
        learning_rate: 0.01,
        min_learning_rate: 0.0001,
        neg_number: 5,
        resolution: 100
          filename: 'embeddings'


      DB Writeback

      Writes the embedding_result values from the results to the specified node property. The property type is float[].

      CALL algo.line.write("hdc_line", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          edge_schema_property: "score",
          dimension: 3,
          train_total_num: 10,
          train_order: 1,
          learning_rate: 0.01,
          min_learning_rate: 0.0001,
          neg_number: 5,
          resolution: 100
        return_params: {
          db: {
            property: "vector"

        projection: "hdc_line",
        return_id_uuid: "id",
        edge_schema_property: "score",
        dimension: 3,
        train_total_num: 10,
        train_order: 1,
        learning_rate: 0.01,
        min_learning_rate: 0.0001,
        neg_number: 5,
        resolution: 100
        db: {
            property: "vector"

      Full Return

      CALL algo.line("hdc_line", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          edge_schema_property: '@default.score',
          dimension: 4,
          train_total_num: 10,
          train_order: 1,
          learning_rate: 0.01,
          min_learning_rate: 0.0001
        return_params: {}
      }) YIELD embeddings
      RETURN embeddings

          return_id_uuid: "id",
          edge_schema_property: '@default.score',
          dimension: 4,
          train_total_num: 10,
          train_order: 1,
          learning_rate: 0.01,
          min_learning_rate: 0.0001
        }) as embeddings
        return embeddings
      } on hdc_line


      J [0.10039449483156204,0.11040361225605011,-0.095774807035923,-0.0819125771522522]
      D [0.0338507741689682,0.07575879991054535,0.023179633542895317,0.005116916261613369]
      F [-0.08940199762582779,0.05569583922624588,-0.10888427495956421,0.03145558759570122]
      H [-0.018580902367830276,-0.024093549698591232,-0.08332693576812744,-0.04651310294866562]
      B [0.0645807683467865,0.07539491355419159,0.07396885752677917,0.040248531848192215]
      A [0.03878217190504074,-0.09487584978342056,-0.10220742225646973,0.12434131652116776]
      E [0.09489674866199493,0.07733562588691711,-0.015262083150446415,0.10043458640575409]
      C [-0.01225052960216999,0.018636001273989677,-0.0036492166109383106,-0.0745576024055481]
      I [0.0327218696475029,-0.033543504774570465,-0.09600748121738434,0.11864277720451355]
      G [0.1094101220369339,-0.02683556079864502,-0.006420814897865057,0.012586096301674843]

      Stream Return

      CALL algo.line("hdc_line", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          edge_schema_property: '@default.score',
          dimension: 3,
          train_total_num: 10,
          train_order: 1,
          learning_rate: 0.01,
          min_learning_rate: 0.0001
        return_params: {
        stream: {}}
      }) YIELD embeddings
      RETURN embeddings

          return_id_uuid: "id",
          edge_schema_property: '@default.score',
          dimension: 3,
          train_total_num: 10,
          train_order: 1,
          learning_rate: 0.01,
          min_learning_rate: 0.0001
        }).stream() as embeddings
        return embeddings
      } on hdc_line


      J [0.13375547528266907,0.14727242290973663,-0.12761451303958893]
      D [-0.10898537188768387,0.045617908239364624,0.09961149096488953]
      F [0.030374202877283096,0.0074587357230484486,-0.11920187622308731]
      H [0.0746561735868454,-0.1447625607252121,0.04158430173993111]
      B [-0.02504475973546505,-0.0319061279296875,-0.1105244979262352]
      A [-0.0629904493689537,0.08570709079504013,0.1011749655008316]
      E [0.09852229058742523,0.0527675524353981,0.05207677558064461]
      C [-0.1265311986207962,-0.1361672431230545,0.16603653132915497]
      I [0.12704375386238098,0.10234453529119492,-0.0199428740888834]
      G [0.1342623233795166,-0.016277270391583443,0.0242084339261055]
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