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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Label Propagation

      HDC Distributed


      The Label Propagation algorithm (LPA) is a community detection algorithm using label propagation. Each node is initialized with a label and at every iteration of the algorithm, each node updates its label to the one that is most prevalent among its neighbors. This iterative process allows densely connected groups of nodes to converge on a consensus labels, nodes sharing the same label then forming a community.

      LPA does not optimize any specific chosen measure of community strengths, and does not require the number of communities to be predefined. Instead, it leverages the network structure to guide its progression. This simplicity enables LPA to efficiently analyze large and complex networks.

      Related material of the algorithm:



      Label of a node is initialized with a specified property value, or its unique UUID.

      Nodes that have the same label at the end of the algorithm indicate their affiliation to a common community.

      Label Propagation

      In the simplest settings, at every iteration of propagation, each node updates its label to the one that the maximum numbers of its neighbors belongs to.

      As the following example shows, the label of the blue node will be updated from d to c.

      When considering node and edge weights, the label weight equals to the sum of the products of the corresponding node and edge weights, each node updates its label to the one with the largest weight.

      As the weights of nodes and edges denoted in the example below, the label of the blue node will be updated from d to a.

      Multi-label Propagation

      In multi-label propagation, each node accept multiple labels during the propagation. In this case, a label probability that is proportional to its weight is given to each label of a node, while the sum of label probabilities of each node keeps as 1.

      In the example below, each node keeps 2 labels, the probabilities are written next to labels, the labels of the blue node will be updated from d, c to a, c with label probabilities Pa = 6.3/(6.3+1.85) = 0.77 and Pc = 1.85/(6.3+1.85) = 0.23.


      • LPA ignores the direction of edges but calculates them as undirected edges.
      • Node with self-loops propagates its current label(s) to itself, and each self-loop is counted twice.
      • LPA follows the synchronous update principle when updating node labels. This means that all nodes update their labels simultaneously based on the labels of their neighbors. However, in some cases, label oscillations can occur, particularly in bipartite graphs. To address this issue, the algorithm incorporates an interrupt mechanism that detects and prevents excessive label oscillations.
      • Due to factors such as the order of nodes, the random selection of labels with equal weights, and parallel calculations, the community division results of LPA may vary.

      Example Graph

      To create this graph:

      // Runs each row separately in order in an empty graphset
      insert().into(@user).nodes([{_id:"A",interest:"flute",level:2}, {_id:"B",interest:"football",level:4}, {_id:"C",interest:"piano",level:4}, {_id:"D",interest:"violin",level:2}, {_id:"E",interest:"piano",level:4}, {_id:"F",interest:"movie",level:1}, {_id:"G",interest:"piano",level:4}, {_id:"H",interest:"tennis",level:2}, {_id:"I",interest:"violin",level:3}, {_id:"J",interest:"badminton",level:5}, {_id:"K",interest:"swimming",level:4}, {_id:"L",interest:"cello",level:1}, {_id:"M",interest:"saxophone",level:2}, {_id:"N",interest:"novel",level:3}, {_id:"O",interest:"swimming",level:3}])
      insert().into(@connect).edges([{_from:"A",_to:"B",strength:3}, {_from:"A",_to:"C",strength:5}, {_from:"A",_to:"F",strength:8}, {_from:"A",_to:"K",strength:6}, {_from:"B",_to:"C",strength:2}, {_from:"C",_to:"D",strength:9}, {_from:"D",_to:"A",strength:5}, {_from:"D",_to:"E",strength:6}, {_from:"E",_to:"A",strength:5}, {_from:"F",_to:"G",strength:9}, {_from:"F",_to:"J",strength:4}, {_from:"G",_to:"H",strength:10}, {_from:"H",_to:"F",strength:3}, {_from:"I",_to:"H",strength:4}, {_from:"I",_to:"F",strength:2}, {_from:"J",_to:"I",strength:1}, {_from:"K",_to:"F",strength:1}, {_from:"K",_to:"N",strength:10}, {_from:"L",_to:"M",strength:1}, {_from:"L",_to:"N",strength:4}, {_from:"M",_to:"N",strength:8}, {_from:"M",_to:"K",strength:10}, {_from:"N",_to:"M",strength:4}, {_from:"O",_to:"N",strength:1}])

      Running on HDC Graphs

      Creating HDC Graph

      To load the entire graph to the HDC server hdc-server-1 as hdc_lpa:

      CALL hdc.graph.create("hdc-server-1", "hdc_lpa", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true,
        update: "static",
        query: "query",
        default: false

      hdc.graph.create("hdc_lpa", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true,
        update: "static",
        query: "query",
        default: false


      Algorithm name: lpa

      node_label_property "<@schema.?><property>" / / Yes Numeric or string node property used to initialize node labels; nodes without the specified property are ignored. The system will generates the labels if it is unset.
      node_weight_property "<@schema.?><property>" / / Yes Numeric node property used as the node weights.
      edge_weight_property "<@schema.?><property>" / / Yes Numeric edge property used as the edge weights.
      loop_num Integer ≥1 5 Yes Number of propagation iterations.
      k Integer ≥1 1 Yes Specifies the maximum number of labels to keep for each node at the end of the computation, with all labels sorted by probability in descending order.
      return_id_uuid String uuid, id, both uuid Yes Includes _uuid, _id, or both to represent nodes in the results.

      File Writeback

      CALL algo.lpa.write("hdc_lpa", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          k: 2,
          loop_num: 5,
          edge_weight_property: 'strength'
        return_params: {
          file: {
            filename: "lpa"

        projection: "hdc_lpa",
        return_id_uuid: "id",
        k: 2,
        loop_num: 5,
        edge_weight_property: 'strength'
        file: {
          filename: "lpa"

      DB Writeback

      Writes each label_<N> and the corresponding probability_<N> from the results to the specified node properties. The property types are string and float, respectively.

      CALL algo.lpa.write("hdc_lpa", {
        params: {
          node_label_property: 'interest',
          k: 2,
          loop_num: 10
        return_params: {
          db: {
            property: "lab"

        projection: "hdc_lpa",
        node_label_property: 'interest',
        k: 2,
        loop_num: 10
        db: {
          property: "lab"

      The label and label probability of each node is written to new properties lab_1, probability_1, lab_2, and probability_2.

      Stats Writeback

      CALL algo.lpa.write("hdc_lpa", {
        params: {
          node_label_property: 'interest',
          k: 2,
          loop_num: 10
        return_params: {
          stats: {}

        projection: "hdc_lpa",
        node_label_property: 'interest',
        k: 2,
        loop_num: 10



      Full Return

      CALL algo.lpa("hdc_lpa", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          node_label_property: "@user.interest",
          k: 2
        return_params: {}
      }) YIELD r
      RETURN r

          return_id_uuid: "id",
          node_label_property: "@user.interest",
          k: 2
        }) as r
        return r
      } on hdc_lpa


      _id label_1 probability_1 label_2 probability_2
      I badminton 0.517124 movie 0.482876
      G movie 0.563411 badminton 0.436589
      J movie 0.605133 badminton 0.394867
      D piano 0.701716 flute 0.298284
      N swimming 0.675096 saxophone 0.324904
      F badminton 0.564691 movie 0.435309
      H movie 0.535167 badminton 0.464833
      B piano 0.646695 flute 0.353305
      L novel 0.510868 swimming 0.489132
      A piano 0.736380 flute 0.263620
      O novel 0.765123 swimming 0.234877
      E piano 0.594943 flute 0.405057
      K novel 0.510868 swimming 0.489132
      M novel 0.515860 swimming 0.484140
      C piano 0.640369 flute 0.359631

      Stream Return

      CALL algo.lpa("hdc_lpa", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          node_label_property: "@user.interest",
          node_weight_property: "@user.level",
          edge_weight_property: "strength",
          loop_num: 10
        return_params: {
          stream: {}
      }) YIELD r
      RETURN r.label_1 AS label, count(r) GROUP BY label

          return_id_uuid: "id",
          node_label_property: "@user.interest",
          node_weight_property: "@user.level",
          edge_weight_property: "strength",
          loop_num: 10
        }).stream() as r
        group by r.label_1 as label
        return table(label, count(r)) 
      } on hdc_lpa


      label count(r)
      violin 3
      tennis 2
      swimming 3
      novel 2
      piano 5

      Stats Return

      CALL algo.lpa("hdc_lpa", {
        params: {
          node_label_property: "interest",
          edge_weight_property: "strength",
          k: 1,
          loop_num: 5
        return_params: {
          stats: {}
      }) YIELD s
      RETURN s

          node_label_property: "interest",
          edge_weight_property: "strength",
          k: 1,
          loop_num: 5
        }).stats() as s
        return s
      } on hdc_lpa



      Running on Distributed Projections

      Creating Distributed Projection

      To project the entire graph to its shard servers as dist_lpa:

      create().projection("dist_lpa", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]}, 
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true


      Algorithm name: lpa

      node_label_property "<@schema.?><property>" / / Yes Numeric or string node property used to initialize node labels; nodes without the specified property are ignored. The system will generates the labels if it is unset.
      node_weight_property "<@schema.?><property>" / / Yes Numeric node property used as the node weights.
      edge_weight_property "<@schema.?><property>" / / Yes Numeric edge property used as the edge weights.
      loop_num Integer ≥1 5 Yes Number of propagation iterations.
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