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      An alias is a unique name (identifier) assigned to represent a collection of data of a specific type. Aliases allow users to reference these data throughout the query, enabling data retrieval, manipulation, and further operations.

      Declaration and Reference

      An alias can be declared using the keyword as immediately after some statements (known as a statement alias) or within a statement method (known as a method alias). The alias represents the data retrieved or generated by the statement.

      You can reference an alias later in the query to further utilize the data or return it to the client.


      Refer to the syntax of each statement to determine whether the statement alias and method aliases are supported.

      To declare alias e for the find().edges() statement and reference it in the RETURN statement:

      find().edges({@direct}) as e
      return e.time

      The following query throws syntax error because declaring alias for the method edges() is not allowed:

      find().edges({@direct} as e)
      return e

      To declare alias paths for the autonet() statement and alias start for its method src(), then reference them in the RETURN statement:

      autonet().src({age < 60} as start).dest({@event}).depth(3) as paths
      return start, paths

      To declare alias a for the find().nodes() statement, reference it in the WITH statement to compute the minimum age as minAge, reference minAge in another find().nodes() statement to retrieve accounts with that age as alias b, and finally reference b in the RETURN statement to output their names:

      find().nodes({@account}) as a
      with min(a.age) as minAge
      find().nodes({@account.age == minAge}) as b

      In a path template statement, declare alias start in the first n() and reference it in the last n() to form a simple cycle:

      n(as start).e()[3].n({_id == start._id}) as p
      return p limit 1

      Naming Conventions

      Naming conventions for aliases are:

      • 1 to 64 characters.
      • Cannot start with a tilde (~).
      • Cannot contain backquotes (`) or any reserved keywords.

      It is suggested not to use a property name for an alias. If necessary, use the system alias this to disambiguate when required.

      Alias Type

      The alias type matches the data it represents.

      In this query, the alias users represents nodes and is of the type NODE, while the alias ages represents the values of the property age, sharing the same type as age:

      find().nodes({@user}) as users
      return users.age as ages

      Referencing an Alias

      Depending on the alias type, you can either reference the alias directly in certain statements or extract specific data from the alias for use.

      The table below shows examples of alias referencing with different alias types:

      (Alias Type)
      Alias Reference Data Represented Data Type
      n Nodes NODE Values of the property name Same with name
      n.@ Schemas of nodes string
      e Edges EDGE
      e.time Values of the property time Same with time
      e.@ Schemas of edges string
      p Paths PATH
      lists Lists list
      lists[2] The 3rd elements Same with the element
      lists[0:3] Lists formed by the 1st to 4th elements list
      lists[:5] Lists formed by the 1st to 6th elements list
      lists[2:] Lists formed by the 3rd elements to the end list
      points Points, each with two coordinates point
      points.x Values of the x coordinates double
      points.y Values of the y coordinates double

      More alias referencing formats are supported in the RETURN statement.

      System Alias

      A system alias is designed for special purposes and can be used without declaration. UQL provides three system aliases: prev_n and prev_e for inter-step filtering in path templates, and this to distinguish a property that shares the same name as an alias when referenced in a filter.


      The alias prev_n applies exclusively within a node or edge template, referring to the previous node of the current node or edge in a path.

      (1) Using prev_n in the multi-edge template e()[]:

      (2) Using prev_n in the multi-edge with intermediates template e().nf()[]:

      Note that all nodes referenced by prev_n must have the property y.

      This example searches for 5-step outgoing paths starting from a card node, ensuring that each step moves through a card node where the level increases, and finally reaching an account node:

      n({@card}).re().nf({@card.level > prev_n.level})[5].n({@account}) as p
      return p{*}


      The alias prev_e applies exclusively within a node or edge template, referring to the previous edge of the current node or edge in a path.

      (1) Using prev_e in the multi-edge template e()[]:

      (2) Using prev_e in the multi-edge with intermediates template e().nf()[]:

      Note that all edges referenced by prev_e must have the y property it calls.

      This example searches for 4-step outgoing transaction paths between card nodes, ensuring ascending transaction times:

      n({@card}).re({@transfers.time > prev_e.time})[4].n({@card}) as p
      return p{*}


      The alias this can be used for disambiguation when an alias referenced in a node or edge filter shares the same name as a node or edge property.

      In the following example, the alias balance is declared and balance is also a node property. Using this.balance in the filter specifies that the balance refers to the node property.

      ... as balance
      find().nodes({this.balance > 5000})

      If {balance > 5000} is used in this case, it refers to the alias balance.

      Default Alias

      The find().nodes() statement provides a default alias, nodes, to represent the retrieved nodes. Similarly, the find().edges() statement provides a default alias, edges, for the retrieved edges.

      You can reference the default alias directly without declaring it.

      return nodes{*}

      However, the default alias becomes invalid if a custom alias is declared instead.

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