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      Path Template

      A path template n().e()...n() can apply filters on each node and edge of a path independently. Paths with circle can be filtered out, and the number of result of subquery can be limited.

      For the usage of basic templates n(), e() and so on, please refer to Basic Templates.


      • Statement alias: supported (PATH)
      • Prefix: OPTIOANL (returns a path whose nodes and edges are all null for any subquery that finds no result)
      • Optional parameters:
      Parameter Type Specification Description Structure of Custom Alias
      no_circle() / / To dismiss the paths with circles; see Basic Concept - Terminologies for the definition of circle Not supported
      limit() Int -1 or >=0 Number of results to return for each subquery, -1 means to return all results Not supported

      Sample graph: (to be used for the following examples)

      Run below UQLs one by one in an empty graphset to create graph data:

      create().node_property(@*, "name")
      insert().into(@country).nodes([{_id:"C001", _uuid:1, name:"France"}, {_id:"C002", _uuid:2, name:"USA"}])
      insert().into(@movie).nodes([{_id:"M001", _uuid:3, name:"Léon"}, {_id:"M002", _uuid:4, name:"The Terminator"}, {_id:"M003", _uuid:5, name:"Avatar"}])
      insert().into(@director).nodes([{_id:"D001", _uuid:6, name:"Luc Besson"}, {_id:"D002", _uuid:7, name:"James Cameron"}])
      insert().into(@filmedIn).edges([{_uuid:1, _from_uuid:3, _to_uuid:1}, {_uuid:2, _from_uuid:4, _to_uuid:1}, {_uuid:3, _from_uuid:3, _to_uuid:2}, {_uuid:4, _from_uuid:4, _to_uuid:2}, {_uuid:5, _from_uuid:5, _to_uuid:2}])
      insert().into(@direct).edges([{_uuid:6, _from_uuid:6, _to_uuid:3}, {_uuid:7, _from_uuid:7, _to_uuid:4}, {_uuid:8, _from_uuid:7, _to_uuid:5}])

      Filter Single Node/Edge

      Example: Find single-node paths of @movie, carry all properties

      n({@movie}) as p
      return p{*}

      The Terminator

      Example: Find 4-step paths of @movie-@country-@movie-@director-@movie, carry all properties

        .re({@direct}).n({@movie}) as p
      return p{*}

      Léon ----> France <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar
      Léon ----> USA <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar
      Léon ----> USA <---- Avatar <---- James Cameron ----> The Terminator
      The Terminator ----> USA <---- Avatar <---- James Cameron ----> The Terminator
      Avatar ----> USA <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar

      Filter Multi-Edge

      Example: Find 1~4-step paths from Léon to Avatar, carry all properties

      n({ == "Léon"}).e()[:4].n({ == "Avatar"}) as p
      return p{*}

      Léon ----> France <---- The Terminator ----> USA <---- Avatar
      Léon ----> France <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar
      Léon ----> USA <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar
      Léon ----> USA <---- Avatar

      Filter Multi-Edge and Intermediate Nodes

      Example: Find 1~4-step paths from Léon to Avatar and not passing France, carry all properties

      n({ == "Léon"}).e().nf({name != "France"})[:4].n({ == "Avatar"}) as p
      return p{*}

      Léon ----> USA <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar
      Léon ----> USA <---- Avatar

      Non-weighted Shortest Path

      Example: Find shortest paths from Léon to Avatar within 4 steps, carry all properties

      n({ == "Léon"}).e()[*:4].n({ == "Avatar"}) as p
      return p{*}

      Léon ----> USA <---- Avatar

      Analysis: The multi-edge template e()[*:N] or e().nf()[*:N] that represent shortest path must be the last edge template in the path.

      Filter Circle

      Example: Find 4-step paths of @movie-@country-@movie-@director-@movie, with the initial-node and terminal-node representing the same node, carry all properties

      n({@movie} as a).re({@filmedIn}).n({@country})
        .re({@direct}).n(a) as p
      return p{*}

      The Terminator ----> USA <---- Avatar <---- James Cameron ----> The Terminator
      Avatar ----> USA <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar

      Example: Find 4-step paths of @movie-@country-@movie-@director-@movie, remove paths with circles, carry all properties

        .re({@direct}).n({@movie}).no_circle() as p
      return p{*}

      Léon ----> France <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar
      Léon ----> USA <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar
      Léon ----> USA <---- Avatar <---- James Cameron ----> The Terminator


      Example: Find two 4-step paths of @movie-@country-@movie-@director-@movie, carry all properties

        .re({@direct}).n({@movie}).limit(2) as p
      return p{*}

      Léon ----> France <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar
      Léon ----> USA <---- The Terminator <---- James Cameron ----> Avatar


      Example: Find 2-step paths from Luc Besson to Avatar, carry all properties; return null if no result

      optional n({ == "Luc Besson"}).e()[2].n({ == "Avatar"}) as p
      return p{*}

      null --null-- null --null-- null

      Analysis: This query will give no return if not using OPTIONAL.

      Sample graph: (to be used for the following examples)

      Run below UQLs one by one in an empty graphset to create graph data:

      create().edge_property(@transfer, "time", datetime)
      insert().into(@customer).nodes([{_id:"C001", _uuid:1}])
      insert().into(@account).nodes([{_id:"A001", _uuid:2}, {_id:"A002", _uuid:3}, {_id:"A003", _uuid:4}, {_id:"A004", _uuid:5}])
      insert().into(@has).edges([{_uuid:1, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:2}, {_uuid:2, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:3}])
      insert().into(@transfer).edges([{_uuid:3, _from_uuid:2, _to_uuid:4, time:"2023-03-01"}, {_uuid:4, _from_uuid:2, _to_uuid:5, time:"2023-04-25"}, {_uuid:5, _from_uuid:4, _to_uuid:5, time:"2023-03-27"}, {_uuid:6, _from_uuid:5, _to_uuid:3, time:"2023-02-15"}])

      Filter 0 Step

      Example: Find 0~2-step outward-transferring paths from the accounts held by C001 to other accounts, carry all properties

      n({_id == "C001"}).re({@has}).n({@account})
        .re({@transfer})[0:2].n({@account}) as p
      return p{*}

      C001 ----> A001
      C001 ----> A001 ----> A003
      C001 ----> A001 ----> A003 ----> A004
      C001 ----> A001 ----> A004
      C001 ----> A001 ----> A004 ----> A002
      C001 ----> A002

      Analysis: The 0-step in multi-edge template e()[0:N] or e().nf()[0:N] works only when both n() before and after this multi-edge template have same filtering condition.

      Inter-Step Filtering

      Example: Find 2-step outward-transferring paths between accounts, with property time ascending along the path, carry all properties

      n({@account}).re({@transfer.time > prev_e.time})[2].n({@account}) as p
      return p{*}

      A001 ----> A003 ----> A004

      Analysis: Porperty @transfer.time should be loaded to engine (LTE).

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