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      Privileges are a key access control mechanism that determine the operations a user can perform on the graph database. They enforce security by restricting access to specific operations, such as querying, updating, or administering the database. A set of privileges can be granted to a policy, which can then be assigned to users. Alternatively, individual privileges can be directly assigned to users.

      Types of Privileges in Ultipa:

      • Graph privileges: Includes operations for manipulating and reading data and structure of specific graphsets, as well as managing their indexes, jobs, HDC graphs, etc.
      • System privileges: Includes operations for managing graphsets, processes, privileges, policies, users, servers, etc., within the database.
      • Property privileges: Includes read, write, and deny, applied specifically to certain custom properties.

      For details of each privilege, please refer to All Privileges.

      Showing Privileges

      To list all privileges of the database:


      This will return a table _privilege, as shown below:

      graphPrivileges systemPrivileges

      Granting Privileges

      You can grant graph, system, property privileges and policies to a user or policy using the grant().user().params() or grant().policy().params() statement.


        graph_privileges: {
          "<graph>": ["<graphPriv>", "<graphPriv>", ...],
        system_privileges: ["<systemPriv>", "<systemPriv>", ...], 
        property_privileges: {
          "node": {
            "<propertyPriv>": [
              ["<graph>", "<schema>", "<property>"],
          "edge": {
            "<propertyPriv>": [
              ["<graph>", "<schema>", "<property>"],
        policies: ["<policyName>", "<policyName>", ...]

        graph_privileges: {
          "<graph>": ["<graphPriv>", "<graphPriv>", ...],
        system_privileges: ["<systemPriv>", "<systemPriv>", ...],
        property_privileges: {
          "node": {
            "<propertyPriv>": [
              ["<graph>", "<schema>", "<property>"],
          "edge": {
            "<propertyPriv>": [
              ["<graph>", "<schema>", "<property>"],
        policies: ["<policyName>", "<policyName>", ...]
      Method Param Description
      user() or policy() <userName> or <ploicyName> Name of the user or policy.
      params() graph_privileges Specifies graph privileges to grant for each graphset; uses "*" to specify all graphsets.
      system_privileges Specifies system privileges to grant.
      property_privileges Specifies node and edge property privileges to grant; uses ["*", "*", "*"] to specify all graphsets, all schemas, and all properties.
      policies Specifies policies to grant.


      To grant privileges to the user ultipaUsr, including:

      • Graph privileges: UPDATE for all graphsets
      • System privileges: SHOW_POLICY, ALTER_GRAPH
      • Property privileges:
        • read all node properties for all schemas in all graphsets
        • write edge properties value and time for all schemas in the graphset Tax
        • deny (Do not allow read and write) edge property score for the schema rate in the graphset miniCircle
      • Policies: manager
        graph_privileges: {"*": ["UPDATE"]}, 
        system_privileges: ["SHOW_POLICY", "ALTER_GRAPH"],
        property_privileges: {
          "node": {
            "read": [
              ["*", "*", "*"]
          "edge": {
            "write": [
              ["Tax", "*", "value"],
              ["Tax", "*", "time"]
            "deny": [
              ["miniCircle", "rates", "score"]
        policies: ["manager"]

      To grant graph privileges CREATE_SCHEMA and DROP_SCHEMA for the graphset Tax, and system privilege ADD_HDC_SERVER to the policy manager:

        graph_privileges: {"Tax": ["CREATE_SCHEMA", "DROP_SCHEMA"]}, 
        system_privileges: ["ADD_HDC_SERVER"]

      Revoking Privileges

      You can revoke graph, system, property privileges and policies from a user or policy using the revoke().user().params() or revoke().policy().params() statement.


        graph_privileges: {
          "<graph>": ["<graphPriv>", "<graphPriv>", ...],
        system_privileges: ["<systemPriv>", "<systemPriv>", ...], 
        property_privileges: {
          "node": {
            "<propertyPriv>": [
              ["<graph>", "<schema>", "<property>"],
          "edge": {
            "<propertyPriv>": [
              ["<graph>", "<schema>", "<property>"],
        policies: ["<policyName>", "<policyName>", ...]

        graph_privileges: {
          "<graph>": ["<graphPriv>", "<graphPriv>", ...],
        system_privileges: ["<systemPriv>", "<systemPriv>", ...], 
        property_privileges: {
          "node": {
            "<propertyPriv>": [
              ["<graph>", "<schema>", "<property>"],
          "edge": {
            "<propertyPriv>": [
              ["<graph>", "<schema>", "<property>"],
        policies: ["<policyName>", "<policyName>", ...]
      Method Param Description
      user() or policy() <userName> or <ploicyName> Name of the user or policy.
      params() graph_privileges Specifies graph privileges to grant for each graphset; uses "*" to specify all graphsets.
      system_privileges Specifies system privileges to grant.
      property_privileges Specifies node and edge property privileges to grant; uses ["*", "*", "*"] to specify all graphsets, all schemas, or all properties.
      policies Specifies policies to grant.


      To revoke privileges from the user ultipaUsr, including:

      • Graph privileges: UPDATE for all graphsets
      • System privileges: SHOW_POLICY, ALTER_GRAPH
      • Property privileges:
        • read all node properties for all schemas in all graphsets
        • write edge properties value and time for all schemas in the graphset Tax
        • deny (Do not allow read and write) edge property score for the schema rate in the graphset miniCircle
      • Policies: manager
        graph_privileges: {"*": ["UPDATE"]}, 
        system_privileges: ["SHOW_POLICY", "ALTER_GRAPH"],
        property_privileges: {
          "node": {
            "read": [
              ["*", "*", "*"]
          "edge": {
            "write": [
              ["Tax", "*", "value"],
              ["Tax", "*", "time"]
            "deny": [
              ["miniCircle", "rates", "score"]
        policies: ["manager"]

      To revoke graph privileges CREATE_SCHEMA and DROP_SCHEMA for the graphset Tax, and system privilege ADD_HDC_SERVER from the policy manager:

        graph_privileges: {"Tax": ["CREATE_SCHEMA", "DROP_SCHEMA"]}, 
        system_privileges: ["ADD_HDC_SERVER"]

      All Privileges

      Graph Privileges

      READ Reads data from graphsets. find(), ab(), autonet(), spread(), khop(), n()...n()
      INSERT Inserts nodes and edges into graphsets. insert()
      UPSERT Updates or inserts nodes and edges in graphsets. upsert()
      UPDATE Updates nodes and edges in graphsets. update()
      DELETE Deletes nodes and edges in graphsets. delete()
      CREATE_SCHEMA Creates schemas in graphsets. create().node_schema(), create().edge_schema()
      DROP_SCHEMA Drops schemas in graphsets. drop().node_schema(), drop().edge_schema()
      ALTER_SCHEMA Alters schemas in graphsets. alter().node_schema(), alter().edge_schema()
      SHOW_SCHEMA Shows schemas in graphset. show().schema(), show().node_schema(), show().edge_schema()
      RELOAD_SCHEMA Reloads the total number of nodes and edges in graphsets. db.schema.reload()
      CREATE_PROPERTY Creates properties in graphsets. create().node_property(), create().edge_property()
      DROP_PROPERTY Drops properties in graphsets. drop().node_property(), drop().edge_property()
      ALTER_PROPERTY Alters properties in graphsets. alter().node_property(), alter().edge_property()
      SHOW_PROPERTY Shows properties in graphsets. show().property(), show().node_property(), show().edge_property()
      CREATE_FULLTEXT Creates full-text indexes in graphsets. create().node_fulltext(), create().edge_fulltext()
      DROP_FULLTEXT Drop full-text indexes in graphsets. drop().node_fulltext(), drop().edge_fulltext()
      SHOW_FULLTEXT Shows full-text indexes in graphsets. show().fulltext(), show().node_fulltext(), show().edge_fulltext()
      CREATE_INDEX Creates indexes in graphsets. create().node_index(), create().edge_index()
      DROP_INDEX Drops indexes in graphsets. drop().node_index(), drop().edge_index()
      SHOW_INDEX Shows indexes in graphsets. show().index(), show().node_index(), show().edge_index()
      LTE Loads properties from disk into the computing engine. LTE().node_property(), LTE().edge_property()
      UFE Unloads properties from the computing engine. UFE().node_property(), UFE().edge_property()
      CLEAR_JOB Clear jobs in graphsets. clear().job()
      STOP_JOB Stops jobs in graphsets. stop().job()
      SHOW_JOB Shows jobs in graphsets. show().job()
      ALGO Runs algorithms for graphsets. algo()
      CREATE_PROJECT Creates distributed projections for graphsets. create().projection()
      SHOW_PROJECT Shows distributed projections of graphsets. show().projection()
      DROP_PROJECT Drops distributed projections of graphsets. drop().projection()
      CREATE_HDC_GRAPH Creates HDC graphs for graphsets. hdc.graph.create()
      SHOW_HDC_GRAPH Shows HDC graphs of graphsets.
      DROP_HDC_GRAPH Drops HDC graphs of graphsets. hdc.graph.drop()
      COMPACT_HDC_GRAPH Compacts HDC graphs of graphsets. hdc.graph.compact()

      System Privileges

      TRUNCATE Truncates graphsets in database. truncate().graph()
      COMPACT Compacts graphsets in database. compact().graph()
      CREATE_GRAPH Creates graphsets in database. create().graph()
      SHOW_GRAPH Shows graphsets in database. show().graph()
      DROP_GRAPH Drops graphsets in database. drop().graph()
      ALTER_GRAPH Alters graphsets in database. alter().graph()
      TOP Shows processes in database. top()
      KILL Kills processes in database. kill()
      STAT Shows statistics of the database. stats()
      SHOW_POLICY Shows policies in database. show().policy()
      CREATE_POLICY Creates policies in database. create().policy()
      DROP_POLICY Drops policies in database. drop().policy()
      ALTER_POLICY Alters policies in database. alter().policy()
      SHOW_USER Shows users in database. show().user()
      CREATE_USER Creates users in database. create().user()
      DROP_USER Drops users in database. drop().user()
      ALTER_USER Alters users in database. alter().user()
      SHOW_PRIVILEGE Shows privileges in database. show().privilege()
      SHOW_META Show meta servers of the database. show().meta()
      SHOW_SHARD Show shard servers of the database. show().shard()
      ADD_SHARD Adds shard servers to the database. alter().shard().add()
      DELETE_SHARD Deletes shard servers from the database. alter().shard().delete()
      SHOW_HDC_SERVER Show HDC servers of the database. show().hdc()
      ADD_HDC_SERVER Adds HDC servers to the database. alter().hdc().add()
      DELETE_HDC_SERVER Deletes HDC servers from the database. alter().hdc().delete()
      LICENSE_UPDATE Updates license of the database. license().update()
      LICENSE_DUMP Dumps license of the database. license().dump()

      Property Privileges

      read Allows reading a specific property in graphsets.
      write Allows both reading and writing a specific property in graphsets.
      deny Denies the right to read or write a specific property in graphsets. deny takes precedence over read and write. If both deny and read (or write) are granted to a user or policy, the effective privilege is deny.


      If the read privilege for the property is not granted:

      Return the property find().nodes({@user}) as n return n{*}
      This query will exclude the name property from the results.

      find().nodes({@user}) as n return
      This query throws an error as you cannot read the name property.
      Filter the property find().nodes({name == "johndoe"}) as n return n
      This query throws an error as you cannot read the name property.
      Export You cannot export the properties which you cannot read.


      If the write privilege for the property is not granted:

      Insert insert().into(@user).nodes({_id: "U873", name:"johndoe"})
      This query throws an error as you cannot write the name property.

      insert().into(@user).nodes({_id: "U873"})
      This query inserts a @user node with its _id set to U873, while name and other properties set to null.
      Overwrite insert().overwrite().into(@user).nodes({_id: "U872"})
      This query throws an error since the insert().overwrite().into() operation requires full write privilege on the target schema.
      Upsert upsert().into(@user).nodes({_id: "U873", name:"johndoe"})
      This query throws an error as you cannot write the name property.

      upsert().into(@user).nodes({_id: "U873", level: "2"})
      This query either:
      • Inserts a new @user node with the _id set to U873 and level set to 2, while name and other properties set to null.
      • Updates the level of the existing node U873 to 2, while leaving other properties unchanged.
      Update update().nodes({@user._id == "U873"}).nodes({name: "johndoe"})
      This query throws an error as you cannot write the name property.

      update().nodes({@user._id == "U873"}).nodes({level: "2"})
      This query updates the level of the node U873 to 2, while leaving other properties unchanged.
      Delete You can delete properties, nodes or edges even if you don't have write privileges, as long as you possess the DELETE and DROP_PROPERTY graph privileges.
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