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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Privileges are the basic content of user permission management. Each privilege allows user to execute one or multiple corresponding UQL commands. With Ultipa graph system, privileges can be classified into 4 categories:

      • User-related privilege
      • Database-related privilege
      • Data-related privilege
      • Advanced privilege

      Or into 2 levels regarding the scope:

      • Graph privilege
      • System privilege

      With graph privileges, user may operate on the schema, property, index, metadata, path, algorithm and background task inside a certain GraphSet, and specific GraphSets have to be appointed when granting these privileges. Commands of graph privilege can only be executed after switching to the target GraphSet.

      With system privileges, user is authorized to operate on the privilege, policy, user, GraphSet and UQL process of the current Ultipa Graph database, and no specific GraphSet has to be appointed when granting these privileges.

      For the legal command(s) and classification that correspond to each privilege, please read the Table of Privileges at the end of this chapter.

      Show Privilege

      Returned table name: _privilege
      Returned table header: graphPrivileges | systemPrivileges (graph privileges, system privileges)


      // To list all privileges supported by Ultipa system

      Grant Additional Privileges/Polices


      // To grant additional privileges and policies to a certain user in the current Ultipa instance
        .params({graph_privileges:<{}new?>, system_privileges:<[]new?>, policies:<[]new?>})

      Example: Add privilege UPDATE against all GraphSets and system privileges TOP and KILL to user "Ultipa", leave the existing privileges and policies unchanged

        .params({graph_privileges: {"*": ["UPDATE"]}, system_privileges: ["TOP", "KILL"]})

      Revoke Privileges/Polices


      // To revoke privileges and policies from a certain user in the current Ultipa instance
        .params({graph_privileges:<{}old?>, system_privileges:<[]old?>, policies:<[]old?>})

      Example: Remove privilege DELETE against GraphSet "default" from user "Ultipa"

        .params({graph_privileges: {"default": ["DELETE"]}})

      Table of Privileges

      User-related Privileges

      Privilege Scope Legal Command
      SHOW_PRIVILEGE system show().privilege()
      SHOW_POLICY system show().policy()
      CREATE_POLICY system create().policy()
      ALTER_POLICY system alter().policy()
      DROP_POLICY system drop().policy()
      SHOW_USER system show().user()
      CREATE_USER system create().user()
      ALTER_USER system alter().user()
      GRANT_USER system grant().user()
      REVOKE_USER system revoke().user()
      DROP_USER system drop().user()

      Note: Command show().self() can be legally used by any user without authorization.

      Database-related Privileges

      Privilege Scope Legal Command
      STAT system stats()
      SHOW_GRAPH system show().graph()
      CREATE_GRAPH system create().graph()
      ALTER_GRAPH system alter().graph()
      DROP_GRAPH system drop().graph()
      MOUNT_GRAPH system mount.graph()
      UNMOUNT_GRAPH system unmount.graph()
      SHOW_SCHEMA graph show().schema(), show().node_schema(), show().edge_schema()
      CREATE_SCHEMA graph create().node_schema(), create().edge_schema()
      ALTER_SCHEMA graph alter().node_schema(), alter().edge_schema()
      DROP_SCHEMA graph drop().node_schema(), drop().edge_schema()
      SHOW_PROPERTY graph show().property(), show().node_property(), show().edge_property()
      CREATE_PROPERTY graph create().node_property(), create().edge_property()
      ALTER_PROPERTY graph alter().node_property(), alter().edge_property()
      DROP_PROPERTY graph drop().node_property(), drop().edge_property()
      SHOW_FULLTEXT graph show().fulltext(), show().node_fulltext(), show().edge_fulltext()
      CREATE_FULLTEXT graph create().node_fulltext(), create().edge_fulltext()
      DROP_FULLTEXT graph drop().node_fulltext(), drop().edge_fulltext()
      SHOW_INDEX graph show().index(), show().node_index(), show().edge_index()
      CREATE_INDEX graph create().node_index(), create().edge_index()
      DROP_INDEX graph drop().node_index(), drop().edge_index()
      LTE graph LTE().node_property(), LTE().edge_property()
      UFE graph UFE().node_property(), UFE().edge_property()
      TRUNCATE system truncate().graph()
      COMPACT system compact().graph()

      Data-related Privileges

      Privilege Scope Legal Command
      INSERT graph insert(), insert().overwrite()
      UPSERT graph upsert()
      UPDATE graph update()
      DELETE graph delete()
      TEMPLATE graph n(), e(), re(), le(), nf(), graph()
      KHOP graph khop()
      AB graph ab()
      SPREAD graph spread()
      AUTONET graph autonet()
      FIND graph find()

      Advanced Privileges

      Privilege Scope Legal Command
      ALGO graph algo()
      ALGO_DV graph algo_dv()
      SHOW_ALGO graph show().algo()
      SHOW_TASK graph show().task()
      CLEAR_TASK graph clear()
      STOP_TASK graph stop()
      TOP system top()
      KILL system kill()
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