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      Properties are associated with a node or edge schema to describe attributes of nodes and edges. For example, a node schema card may have properties balance and openedDate, while an edge schema transfers may have properties amount and time.

      In UQL, the operator . extracts a property from a schema. The expression @<schema>.<property> specifies a certain property of a schema, such as

      System Property

      Each node has two system properties serving as unique identifiers: _id and _uuid. The _id value can be manually assigned, ensuring distinct identification of nodes, while the _uuid value is always generated by the system.

      System Property
      Value Type
      _id string A string-type (with a length of up to 128 bytes) unique identifier for a node.
      _uuid uint64 A numeric unique identifier for a node.

      Each edge has only the _uuid as its unique identifier, also generated by the system. Each edge connects a source node to a destination node, its _from/_to and _from_uuid/_to_uuid identify its two end nodes.

      System Property
      Value Type
      _uuid uint64 A numeric unique identifier for an edge.
      _from string The _id of the source node of an edge.
      _to string The _id of the destination node of an edge.
      _from_uuid uint64 The _uuid of the source node of an edge.
      _to_uuid uint64 The _uuid of the destination node of an edge.

      Showing Properties

      To retrieve information about properties in current graphset:

      // Shows all properties
      // Shows all node properties
      // Shows properties associated with a specified node schema
      // Shows all edge properties
      // Shows properties associated with a specified edge schema

      The information about properties is organized into different tables:

      • Node properties: Stored in _nodeProperty (all properties) and _nodeProperty_shard_N (properties with data in shard N) tables.
      • Edge properties: Stored in _edgeProperty (all properties) and _edgeProperty_shard_N (properties with data in shard N) tables.

      Each table includes fields that provide essential details about each property:

      name The property name.
      type The property value type.
      lte Whether the property is loaded to the shards' memory for query acceleration.
      read Whether the current database user can read the property. 1 for true, 0 for false.
      write Whether the current database user can write the property. 1 for true, 0 for false.
      schema The schema that the property is associated with.
      description The description given to the property.
      encrypt The encryption method used for the property.

      Creating Properties

      You can create one or more properties using a single create() statement. Each property is specified by chaining a node_property() or edge_property() method. To encrypt a property, use the encrypt() method.

        .node_property(<schema>, "<propName>", <propValueType?>, "<propDesc?>").encrypt("<encMeth?>")
        .edge_property(<schema>, "<propName>", <propValueType?>, "<propDesc?>").encrypt("<encMeth?>")
      Method Param Description
      node_property() or edge_property() <schema> Specifies the node or edge schema (e.g., @user); @* denotes all node or edge schemas.
      <propName> Property name. Naming conventions are:
      • 2 to 64 characters.
      • Cannot start with a tilde (~).
      • Cannot contain backquotes (`) or the name of any system properties, system table aliases and system aliases (refer to Reserved Keywords).
      Property names must be unique among a schema.
      <propValueType?> Optional. Property value type. When it is omitted, string is used by default. See all supported property value types. Note that the type cannot be modified after the property is created.
      <propDesc?> Optional. Description of the property.
      encrypt() <encMeth?> Optional. Encrypts property values using one of the supported encryption methods: AES128 (default), AES256, RSA and ECC.

      Integral Properties

      The supported integral property value types include int32, uint32, int64 and uint64.

      create().node_property(@user, "age", uint32)

      Decimal Properties

      The supported decimal property value types include float, double, and decimal.

        .edge_property(@links, "distance", float)
        .edge_property(@links, "weight",  "decimal(25,10)", "Weight of the relation")

      The decimal(25,10) specifies a decimal type with a precision of 25 (total digits, excluding the decimal point) and a scale of 10 (digits after the decimal point). You may set the precision between 1 to 65, and the scale between 0 to 30. Specifically, decimal(<precision>, <scale>) must be declared within quotes.

      Textual Properties

      The supported textual property value types include string and text, with string set as the default type. When defining a property as string, you can omit specifying the type during creation.

        .node_property(@post, "title")
        .node_property(@post, "content", text)

      Temporal Properties

      The supported temporal property value types include datetime and timestamp.

        .node_property(@post, "createdOn", timestamp, "When the post is created")
        .node_property(@post, "publishedOn", datetime, "When the post is published")

      Boolean Properties

      The supported boolean property value type is bool.

      create().node_property(@city, "isCapital", bool, "Indicates whether it is the capital city")

      Spatial Properties

      The supported spatial property value type is point.

      create().node_property(@city, "position", point, "Location of the city")

      List Properties

      The list property value type includes sub types int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, double, string, text, datetime and timestamp.

      create().node_property(@user, "interests", "string[]", "user interest tags")

      Specifically, the <subtype>[] must be declared within quotes.

      Set Properties

      The set property value type includes sub types int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, double, string, text, datetime and timestamp.

        .node_property(@user, "heights", "set(float)", "Store user heights history as a set")

      Specifically, the set(<subtype>) must be declared within quotes.

      Creating a Property for All Schemas

      To create the property time for all edge schemas:

      create().edge_property(@*, "time", datetime)

      Encrypting a Property

      To create the property password and encrypt it using AES256:

      create().node_property(@user, "password", string).encrypt("AES256")

      Altering Name and Description

      You can modify name and description of a property using the alter().node_property().set() or alter().edge_property().set() statement.

      In the node_property() or edge_property() method, you can specify a particular property in the form of @<schema>.<property>, or target all properties with the same name in the form of @*.<property>.

      To alter both name and description of the node property

      alter().node_property({name: "Name", description: "Full name"})

      To alter name of all the edge properties time:

      alter().edge_property(@*.time).set({name: "createdOn"})

      Dropping Properties

      You can drop one or more properties using a single drop() statement. Each property is specified by chaining a node_property() or edge_property() method. When a property is dropped, all related data — including the property values, associated indexes, full-text indexes, and any LTE-ed values held in memory — are removed.

      In the node_property() or edge_property() method, you can specify a particular property in the form of @<schema>.<property>.

      To drop the node property


      To drop the edge property @links.time:


      To drop multiple properties:

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