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      RETURN performs functional operations on the alias, and assembles multiple return values to send back to client end. Return values that are heterologous will NOT be trimmed.

      Syntax: RETURN <expression> as <alias>, <expression> as <alias>, ...

      • <expression>: Return value
      • <alias>: Alias of return value, optional

      RETURN clause is usually the last statement of a UQL, but can also be followed by ORDER BY, LIMIT or SKIP. Deduplicating an alias in RETURN clause will not affect its homologous aliases.

      For instance, assemble 3 return values, of which n1 is heterologous with the other two; the deduplication against n2.color does NOT affect pnodes(path), which is homologous with n2.color:

      find().nodes() as n1 limit 5
      n(3).e()[2].n(as n2) as path
      return n1, pnodes(path), dedup(n2.color)

      For information on how to designate properties to be carried by NODE, EDGE, or PATH in RETURN clause, please refer to Chapter Query - Alias System.

      Sample graph: (to be used for the following examples)

      Run below UQLs one by one in an empty graphset to create graph data:

      create().node_property(@*, "name").node_property(@account, "age", int32).node_property(@movie, "year", int32).edge_property(@rate, "score", int32)
      insert().into(@account).nodes([{_id:"S001", _uuid:1, name:"Pepe", age:24}, {_id:"S002", _uuid:2, name:"Lina", age:23}, {_id:"S003", _uuid:3, name:"Emma", age:26}])
      insert().into(@movie).nodes([{_id:"M001", _uuid:4, name:"Léon", year:1994}, {_id:"M002", _uuid:5, name:"Avatar", year:2009}])
      insert().into(@rate).edges([{_uuid:1, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:4, score:9}, {_uuid:2, _from_uuid:3, _to_uuid:5, score:8}])
      insert().into(@wishlist).edges([{_uuid:3, _from_uuid:2, _to_uuid:4}, {_uuid:4, _from_uuid:3, _to_uuid:4}])

      Return NODE

      Example: Carry all properties

      find().nodes({@account}) as n
      return n{*} 

      |-------- @account ---------|
      | _id  | _uuid | name | age |
      | S001 | 1     | Pepe | 24  |
      | S002 | 2     | Lina | 23  |
      | S003 | 3     | Emma | 26  |

      Example: Carry some custom properties

      find().nodes() as n
      return n{name, year} 

      |------ @account -----|
      | _id  | _uuid | name |
      | S001 | 1     | Pepe |
      | S002 | 2     | Lina |
      | S003 | 3     | Emma |
      |----------- @movie -----------|
      | _id  | _uuid |  name  | year |
      | M001 | 4     | Léon   | 1994 |
      | M002 | 5     | Avatar | 2009 |

      Analysis: NODE only carries the properties that it has.

      Example: Carry only system properties

      find().nodes({@movie}) as n
      return n 

      |--- @movie ---|
      | _id  | _uuid |
      | M001 | 4     |
      | M002 | 5     |

      Return EDGE

      Example: Carry all properties

      find().edges({@rate}) as e
      return e{*} 

      |------------------------ @rate -----------------------|
      | _uuid | _from | _to  | _from_uuid | _to_uuid | score |
      |   1   | S001  | M001 | 1          | 4        | 9     |
      |   2   | S003  | M002 | 3          | 5        | 8     |

      Example: Carry only system properties

      find().edges() as e
      return e 

      |-------------------- @rate -------------------|
      | _uuid | _from | _to  | _from_uuid | _to_uuid |
      |   1   | S001  | M001 | 1          | 4        |
      |   2   | S003  | M002 | 3          | 5        |
      |------------------ @wishlist -----------------|
      | _uuid | _from | _to  | _from_uuid | _to_uuid |
      |   3   | S002  | M001 | 2          | 4        |
      |   4   | S003  | M001 | 3          | 4        |

      Return PATH

      Example: Carry some custom properties

      n({@account}).e({@rate}).n({@movie}) as p
      return p{name}{*}


      Example: Carry only system properties

      n({@movie}).e({@rate}).n({@account}).e({@wishlist}).n({@movie}) as p
      return p


      Return TABLE

      Example: Find 1-step path @account-@movie, assemble the name of accounts and movies into a table

      n({@account} as a).e({@wishlist}).n({@movie} as b)
      return table(,

      | | |
      | Lina   | Léon   | 
      | Emma   | Léon   | 

      Return ATTR - Atomic

      Example: Return custom properties of nodes independently

      find().nodes() as n
      return, n.age, n.year 




      Analysis: A null will be returned when calling a property that is not existent.

      Return ATTR - List

      Example: Assemble the name of 1-Hop neighbors of each movie into a list

      khop().n({@movie} as a).e().n() as b
      group by a
      return, collect(



      Valid Return Format

      Suppose that nodes, edges, paths, mytable, mylist, mypoint and myitem are aliases of type NODE, EDGE, PATH, TABLE, list, point and others, below return formats are supported:

      Return Format Return Content
      Return Type
      nodes Node (carrying schema and system properties) NODE
      nodes.<property> Node property ATTR (return null if property does not exist)
      nodes.@ Node schema ATTR
      nodes{<property>, ...} Node (carrying schema, system properties and listed custom properties) NODE
      nodes{*} Node (carrying schema, system properties and all custom properties) NODE
      edges Edge (carrying schema and system properties) EDGE
      edges.<property> Edge property ATTR (return null if property does not exist)
      edges.@ Edge schema ATTR
      edges{<property>, ...} Edge (carrying schema, system properties and listed custom properties) EDGE
      edges{*} Edge (carrying schema, system properties and all custom properties) EDGE
      paths Path (carrying schema and system properties of metadata) PATH
      paths{<property>, ...}{<property>, ...} Path (carrying schema and system properties of metadata, carrying separately listed custom properties of nodes and edges) PATH
      paths{*}{<property>, ...} Path (carrying schema and system properties of metadata, carrying all custom properties of nodes and listed custom properties of edges) PATH
      paths{<property>, ...}{*} Path (carrying schema and system properties of metadata, carrying listed custom properties of nodes and all custom properties of edges) PATH
      paths{<property>} Path (carrying schema, system properties and listed custom properties of metadata) PATH
      paths{*} Path (carrying schema, system properties and all custom properties of metadata) PATH
      mytable The whole table TABLE
      mylist The whole list ATTR
      mylist[n] The element with index n ATTR
      mylist[n1:n2] A sub-list formed by element with index n1~n2 ATTR
      mylist[:n] A sub-list formed by element with index 0~n ATTR
      mylist[n:] A sub-list formed by element with index n~<length-1> ATTR
      mypoint The whole coordinates ATTR
      mypoint.x The coordinate x ATTR
      mypoint.y The coordinate y ATTR
      myitem The value ATTR
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