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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Result Panel

      The Result Panel displays the Welcome messages by default and shows the results after executing any UQL:

      View Mode

      The results are displayed in either List Mode or Graph Mode.

      The default view mode varies based on the type of results. For instance, node/edge query results default to the list view, while path query results default to the graph view. You can use the Graph/List Switcher to toggle between these modes.

      List Mode

      The List Mode presents results in a tabular format that is tidy and clear:

      For the query results of nodes, edges, or paths, you are allowed to edit or delete the data:

      The edit and delete options are in the Ops column of the node/edge list

      The edit and delete options appear upon clicking the node/edge label in the path list

      The default text labels for nodes and edges in the path list can be set in Settings - Configuration - Edge/Node Label Property Name, or they are determined by the currently applied style.

      Other types of results, such as ATTR (atomic data without internal structure, such as string, number), TABLE and ARRAY, are not editable.

      Graph Mode

      The Graph Mode presents results in a graph format that is intuitive and interactive:

      The visual styling options for results in the graph view can be found here.

      Similar to the List Mode, you can edit or delete data for the query results of nodes, edges, or paths. These options become available when you left-click on the corresponding node or edge.

      Additionally, within the Graph Mode, you can create new nodes or edges:

      The "Add Node" option is accessible from the menu by right-clicking on an empty area

      The "Add Edge" option is accessible from the menu by right-clicking on a node

      Graph Mode also offers the capability for you to explore the graph by spreading from nodes:

      The "Spread" option is accessible from the menu by left-clicking on a node

      The spread operation is equivalent to executing the UQL query spread().src(<node>).depth(<N>) limit <M>, where the depth N is set in Settings - Configuration - Depth, and the number of paths to return M is set in Settings - Configuration - Limit.

      An advanced spreading operation can be confirgued in the Auto-spread window, where you can further set the direction and apply node/edge filters during the spreading process:

      Node Locator

      Node Locator can be used in the 2D layout to search for certain nodes and locate them in the graph:

      In the dropdown menu, you have the option to search by either UUID or Node Label. Choosing the former will result in a precise match, while the latter one will lead to a fuzzy match.

      Ultipa Manager will center the searched nodes and emphasize their borders to make them more easily identifiable:


      Ultipa Manager supports to export results in the following formats:

      • JSON
      • PNG: only available in the Graph Mode
      • XLSX: only available for the query results of nodes or edges


      To open multiple view panels, click the split icon in any view. You can have up to 4 view panels simultaneously.

      When multiple view panels are open, the one highlighted with a blue border will be the active view where the results of the next UQL execution will be displayed. You can switch the active view by clicking anywhere in another view panel.

      Result Tab

      Each view panel maintains the results of different executions in separate tabs:

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