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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Import from Relational Database

      This page demonstrates the process of importing data from a relational database into an Ultipa graphset.

      Ultipa Transporter supports data import from MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and Snowflake in sql mode using a unified configuration file.
      The following steps are demonstrated using MySQL.

      From MySQL to Ultipa

      Generate Configuration File

      Execute the following command in your command line tool and select sql.

      ./ultipa-importer --sample

      The import.sample.sql.yml file will be generated in the same directory as ultipa-importer.exe. If a import.sample.sql.yml file already exists in that directory, it will be overwritten.

      Modify Configuration File

      The configuration file consists of several sections. Modify the configuration file according to your needs.

      # Mode options: csv/json/jsonl/rdf/graphml/bigQuery/sql/kafka/neo4j/salesforce; only one mode can be used
      # SQL supports mysql/postgresSQL/sqlserver/snowflake/oracle
      mode: sql
      # SQL server configurations
        # Driver: choose from mysql/postgreSQL/sqlserver/snowflake/odbc/oracle
        driver: "mysql"
        # dsn: Data Source Name
        # If a DSN is provided, it will take precedence over individual connection settings
        # If no DSN is specified, the individual settings (host, port, dbname, username, and password) will be used for connecting to the database
        # mysql dsn: "<username>:<password>@tcp(<host>:<port>)/<dbname>?net_write_timeout=6000"
        # postgreSQL dsn: "user=<username> dbname=<dbname> password=<password> host=<host> port=<port> sslmode=disable"
        # sqlserver dsn: "server=<host>,<port>;user id=<username>;password=<password>;database=<dbname>"
        # snowflake dsn: "<username>:<password>@<orgname>-<account_name>/<db_name>/<schema_name>?warehouse=<warehouse_name>"
        # odbc dsn: "DSN=<dsn>;UID=<username>;PWD=<password>"
        # oracle dsn: "oracle://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<dbname>"
        dsn: ""
        # Host IP/URI
        host: ""
        port: "3306"
        dbname: "trading"
        username: "root"
        password: "root"
      # Ultipa server configurations
        # Host IP/URI and port
        # If it is a cluster, separate hosts with commas, i.e., "<ip1>:<port1>,<ip2>:<port2>,<ip3>:<port3>"
        host: ""
        username: "admin"
        password: "admin12345"
        # The new or existing graphset where data will be imported
        graphset: "trading"
        # If the above graphset is new, specify the shards where it will be stored  
        shards: "1,2,3"
        # If the above graphset is new, specify the partition function (Crc32/Crc64WE/Crc64XZ/CityHash64) used for sharding
        partitionBy: "Crc32"
        # Path of the certificate file for TLS (optional)
        crt: ""
      # Node configurations
          # Specify the node type (schema) that the imported nodes belong to
        - schema: "customer"
          # Write the SQL query to fetch data from the SQL database
          sql: "select * from customer"
          # properties: Map SQL query results to graph database properties
          # For each property, you can configure the following:
          ## name: The column name from the SQL query results
          ## new_name: The property name to which the column will be mapped; if unset, it defaults to the column name
          ## type: Supported types include _id, _from, _to, _ignore (to skip importing the column), and other Ultipa property types like int64, int32, float, string, etc.
          ## prefix: Add a prefix to the values of the _id, _from, or _to types; it does not apply to other types
          # If properties are not configured, the system will automatically map them based on the SQL query results
          # Columns mapped to system properties such as _id, _from or _to in the SQL results must be explicitly configured
            - name: cust_no
              type: _id
            - name: name
              type: string
            - name: level
              type: int32
        - schema: "merchant"
          sql: "select * from merchant"
            - name: merch_no
              type: _id
            - name: name
              type: string
            - name: type
              type: string
      # Edge configurations
        - schema: "transaction"
          sql: "select * from transaction"
            - name: trans_no
              type: string
            - name: cust_no
              type: _from
            - name: merch_no
              type: _to
            - name: time
              new_name: trans_time
              type: datetime
      # Global settings
        # Define the path to output the log file
        logPath: "./logs"
        # Number of rows included in each insertion batch
        batchSize: 10000
        # Import mode supports insert/overwrite/upsert
        importMode: insert
        # Automatically create missing end nodes for edges (applicable only when importing edges)
        createNodeIfNotExist: false
        # Stops the importing process when error occurs
        stopWhenError: false
        # Set to true to automatically create missing graphset, schemas and properties
        yes: true
        # The maximum threads
        threads: 32
        # The maximum size (in MB) of each packet
        maxPacketSize: 40
        # Timezone for the timestamp values
        # timeZone: "+0200"
        # Timestamp value unit, support ms/s
        timestampUnit: s

      Configuration Items

      SQL server configurations

      driver String Specifies the database connection driver, choosing from MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Snowflake, ODBC, or Oracle.
      dsn String Data source name, the format is as follows:
    • MySQL: "<username>:<password>@tcp(<host>:<port>)/<dbname>?net_write_timeout=6000"
    • postgreSQL: "user=<username> dbname=<dbname> password=<password> host=<host> port=<port> sslmode=disable"
    • SQL Server: "server=<host>,<port>;user id=<username>;password=<password>;database=<dbname>"
    • Snowflake: "<username>:<password>@<orgname>-<account_name>/<db_name>/<schema_name>?warehouse=<warehouse_name>"
    • ODBC: "DSN=<dsn>;UID=<username>;PWD=<password>"
    • Oracle: "oracle://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<dbname>"
    • host String IP address or URI of the database.
      port String Port number for the database connection.
      dbname String Name of the relational database.
      username String Database username.
      password String Password of the above user.

      Ultipa server configurations

      host String IP address or URI of the source database.
      username String Database username.
      password String Password of the above user.
      graphset String Name of the target graphset for JSONL file import. If the specified graphset does not exist, it will be created automatically.
      shards String Specifies the shards where data will be processed.
      partitionBy String Specifies the patitioning algorithm, including Crc32, Crc64WE, Crc64XZ and CityHash64.
      crt String Path to the certificate (CRT) file used for TLS encryption.

      Node/Edge configurations

      schema String The node type (schema) to which the imported nodes belong.
      sql String The SQL query used to retrieve data from the relational database.
      name String The column name from the SQL query results, serving as the property name.
      type String Specify the data type. See supported property value types.
      prefix String Add a prefix to the data. This is only supported for data types including _id, _from, and _to.
      new_name String Modify the property name specified in name to a new value.

      Global settings

      logPath String "./logs" The path to save the log file.
      batchSize Integer 10000 Number of nodes or edges to insert per batch.
      importMode String upsert Specifies how the data is inserted into the graph, including overwrite, insert and upsert. When updating nodes or edges, use the upsert mode to prevent overwriting existing data.
      createNodeIfNotExist Bool false Whether missing nodes are automatically created when inserting edges:
    • true: The system automatically creates nodes that do not exist.
    • false: The related edges will not be imported.
    • stopWhenError Bool false Whether to stop the import process when an error occurs.
      yes Bool false Whether to automatically create missing graphset, schemas and properties.
      threads Integer 32 The maximum number of threads. 32 is suggested.
      maxPacketSize Integer 40 The maximum size of data packets in MB that can be sent or received.
      timestampUnit String s The unit of measurement for timestamp data. Supported units are ms (milliseconds) and s (seconds).

      Execute Import

      The import process uses the configuration file specified by the -config parameter to import data from the relaitonal database into the target server and display it in the Ultipa graph structure.

      ./ultipa-importer --config import.sample.sql.yml
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