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LDBC and SIGMOD Joint Workshop Promotes Graph Database Innovation and Standardization - Ultipa Graph
LDBC and SIGMOD Joint Workshop Promotes Graph Database Innovation and Standardization - Ultipa Graph

On June 9th local time, the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) and SIGMOD 2024 jointly held a one-day LDBC TUC workshop in Santiago, Chile. SIGMOD (ACM SIGMOD/Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments) is one of the most influential international academic conferences in the fields of data management, data processing, and data storage.

LDBC Vice Chairman Alastair Green delivered a speech titled "Current Status of the LDBC Expanding GQL Schema Working Group". Hannes Voigt from Neo4j elaborated on "Standardizing the Internals: ISO/IEC 39075:2024 – The Genesis of GQL". Calin Iorgulescu from Oracle explained "PGX.D: A Distributed Graph Processing Engine".


As an early board member of LDBC, Ricky Sun, founder and CEO of Ultipa, attended the meeting and gave a presentation titled "A Unified Graph Framework with SCC (Storage-Compute Coupled) and HDC (High-Density Computing) Clusters". The title of the presentation originates from a paper by Wintu published at this year's ACM SIGMOD conference. This follows Wintu's 2023 ACM SIGMOD paper "Designing Highly Scalable Graph Database Systems Without Exponential Performance Degradation", marking another research achievement.

The conference was conducted in an atmosphere rich with academic and industrial practice. Olaf Hartig from Linköping University gave a talk on "FedShop: A Benchmark for Testing the Scalability of SPARQL Federation Engines". Sebastián Ferrada from IMFD at the University of Chile explained "Path Query Evaluation Algebra". Additionally, Peter Boncz from CWI and MotherDuck introduced "The Status of DuckPGQ", among others.

This workshop brought together global experts in the field of graph databases, authoritative benchmark guideline setters, and leaders of testing standard issuing bodies, aiming to jointly promote the development of this cutting-edge technology. The workshop coincided with the release of GQL (Graph Query Language) 1.0 (ISO/IEC-GQL International Graph Query Language Standard) in April, which will lay a solid foundation for the future development and widespread application of graph technology.


About Ultipa:

Ultipa is a Silicon Valley-based next-generation graph XAI and database company, extending its operations in EMEA and APAC. The team at Ultipa firmly believes that the fusion of graph augmented intelligence and XAI is a catalyst for empowering enterprises in their digital transformation journey. This process necessitates the convergence of data intelligence and infrastructure revolution. 

Ultipa builds the leading graph XAI and database products, enabling the swift devlopment of killer applications in various domains such as Real-time Fraud Detection, Asset Liability Management (ALM)Liquidity Risk Management (LRM), Low-code Graph-augmented AI+BI Platform, Data Governance (RDA), and more. Ultipa has garnered support from prestigious sovereign wealth funds and venture capital firms worldwide.